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Very awesome

Wow this is awesome. I love skulls and this one really stood out to me. What is the green emerald writing on the skulls forhead mean? What does that represent and why did you choose this as a forest element? I love the trees and overall use of green. The moon in moon background is classic goth and fantasy and I do love it very much. I wish you had a background here and added more to the overall balance of your piece as it has some space that could be filled. A burst light effect from the moon would have been neat too. You are talented and I did enjoy this artwork.

Add more to the space you have and Maybe some lighting effects. Good job overall.


DaemmonArts responds:

Thank you so much.
This one It was like a "logo" for my art page. Some time ago I made this skull for my tattoo and when I was creating my page I thought in using part of that design for the "logo".
The symbol on forhead is DA for DaemmonArts. The skull is representing death and the forest is the life that reborn from death. I used the green to be the light of life and death. The moon is because my astrological sign is cancer and the "planet" of my sign is the moon. The background was just like that because I wanted to be a little bit simple to be a "logo" and use as design for tshirts and things like that.
Over all for me this one represents magic and rebirth, the life that never stops and improves in every regeneration.

Thank you so much for your comment and the ideas to improve. I'm really happy to know that you like my art! :)

Very nice

Ok this one here is "REALLY-NICE" a good background piece or something you could use inside an animation. "I-LOVE-THE-DETAIL" of the trees and the overall landscape you've achieved here. The sky is a bit baren but you can always fix that later with more clouds and such, but it still looks good without any of that. I like the hills you've seem to emulate inside the picture, at the bottom of it. It makes you feel like the trees are on a hilly area and that gives this some depth. My only suggestion was to add those clouds in and maybe a person by turning this into an animation.

This one just needs more of a sky with clouds and such.


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you like this one! Was pretty proud of how the green bits turned out, though you're right, didn't focus on much else but those trees.

Wow Intense

So this was some "INTENSE" stuff the amount of detail is uncanny I am very impressed with your work and "CONGRATS" on the frontpage, this is one of those pieces I would suggest to ad frames and some fancy borders so its has that awsome gallery piece just something to think about, Theres alot of nice little artistic and amusing things about this piece, I did however think you could have put more into it, so below and through out the review are a few tips and advice that could help improve on this, You have a symbolic concept here and implemented appropriately, but overall I found it to be pretty good.

this is one of those pieces I would suggest to ad frames and some fancy borders so its has that awsome gallery piece just something to think about



I love this one actually, it looks like an "OLD-POEM" or a lost letter. I think the "DETAIL-HERE" is nice, even tho you are just repeating a pattern, but it "FLOWS" in a nice way and makes you wonder what is going on here or what the words all mean in the end. I wonder what you were think when you created this one? I love the color of pink you used and the simple white with it. Maybe next you could add a border with a page effect to make it looked like a ripped up page or something older in that way? Just an idea. I do think this one was a good piece of art from you. Keep it up as always.

This one could use a border type to make it appear like a page.


Cyberdevil responds:

Wordplay, is all. :) Did take a looong time to fill the frame though - there's no copy pasta. Thanks for the review!

I like it

So this was pretty cool, I like the style here a good texture of the planet allthough I would not have a clue what jupiter looks like I think you created a good feeling and visual on this I do think the "CANVUS" could be larger though, just an idea throwing your way.

maybe you can make a larger Canvus maybe even then allow for more detail, of other things and will allow for more fin elements and more detail as mentioned, so make a larger canvus. just an idea throwing your way.


Very nice work

And this was something "NIFTY" I really like the artwork here love the stars in the backround I would suggest having some stars dimmer and some stars brighter aswell as shinning more light on the two girls at the bottom, but regardless congrats on the award of front page and nice artwork here.

I would suggest having some stars dimmer and some stars brighter aswell as shinning more light on the two girls at the bottom


Very intense

Well I have to say that this was a very intense piece great expression and the eyes just came off so well the shine on the ball was great I would love more of a shine too, its pretty impressive work and detail, I wouldnt mind more lighting from the backround even, but anyways nice work here

some lighting effects.


Wow this was impressive

I am loving all the little "DETAILS" of newgrounds and all the old and new stuff that purple lighting comming off of the screen is nice if anything I would suggest to make that screen brighter and much more of a glow on it and such. anyways really nice work here, hope to see much more from you sometime.

More shine and glow from the screen.


Beautifull piece here

Now this was something beautiful some very "ARTISTIC" elements and I really love that you added the notepad and tools in the photo, I think I would ad some backround color onto this or a colored patteren of some type, but besides all that you have an amazing piece of artwork here.

I think I would ad some backround color onto this or a colored patteren of some type


Pretty cool

So this was pretty cool and some nice "ARTWORK" here the pink background inside a detailed "BACKROUND" was a really nice way of doing your art this time around, and you added some shine line details that was a nice effect. I think the background detail in this one was pretty good even for a pattern of some type. I think the detail of the image in the middle itself was really good and this is one of your better ones, not much to say to change here or give opinions on because you have many great elements going on in this one.

Nothing to change, it is find as it is


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked!

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