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Very nice

So this was cool I like the "IDEA" of this piece and the "LIGHT-BULB" very nice idea indeed, I think adding more shine and some sparkles would have been cool maybe for the glass of the bulb maybe a different shade of color, but regardless this was a really nice piece of artwork here.

I think adding more shine and some sparkles would have been cool maybe for the glass of the bulb maybe a different shade of color


VortexVisionz responds:

Thank you for the honest review, I totally agree that it could’ve used more shine. Though I sketched this up rather quick... I will have to digitally remaster this sketch as some of my other Inktober doodles!


This one was okay, not the best. There was so much more you could have done here but you stuck with just text and yellow, which is fine, but it seems a bit messy. Your other works had themes and understanding to go along with it, but this one seems more like an experiment to try something and I don't think it really worked. You do still have a great talent for font and text work. You always know where to place your fonts and make it really catch your eyes properly, but this one here needed a bit more and I think you can do so much more with these pieces of work you do, so it was okay and keep it up.

This one here well it needs more work, more something, it just seemed a bit off to me.


Cyberdevil responds:

Well I like trying new styles and messages, IMO art's supposed to be that way, always something new, but this one's more wordplay than artwork I suppose. Will do!

Issue 57?

I do like this one, I like the mystery it gives off and the intrigue about what the number could possibly be? I do wonder what the other issues were before you started this piece, then I wonder maybe you just really like the number 57 haha. I like the fact you bring some color into this piece and make it a unique way to represent an issue sign or message alert. Your text is always fun to see and I do like the fact you have good ink shading for your inktober creation. I just wish you had added a border here as that would have really made this come together or been more of that "ALERT" feeling.

This one here is good work but a border would really complete it.


Cyberdevil responds:

Well I'm not sure about the sense of mystery with this one, but thanks! The number was entirely random, as it often is in those scenarios where you give something a high number to give the impression you've posted lower numbers before, and thus that there are more of them (in this case: issues).

Maybe there is some subconscious reference there, though. :) If I've used 57 earlier hmm... thanks for commenting!


So here we are with some nice "ANIMATION" added to some fresh like art here and I have to say it was a tad bit stylish nice and fresh lines, so my tip here is if your gonna ad some animation you should ad some flashy effects just an idea overall this was a nice art / animation.

my tip here is if your gonna ad some animation you should ad some flashy effects just an idea



Wow now that is one hell of a "BEAUTIFULL" piece you have here the smoothness of the art the photo within the photo is just brilliant you have really outdone youself here on this piece and Im just in aww with this element, so nice job here and it was a pleasure to see something like this.

with something as beautiful as this theres no need for any changes.


Good again

I think this is very similar to your last one "STILL" it seems to be a theme for you and your creating inktober submissions. I do like the fact you've stuck to the coloring structure of some of your previous works, it shows you have a consistency and make your art more your brand so that when you see it, you think Cyberdevil. I like the font and I like the colors and overall this one was good, but it needed a character or something else. The textures in the background were also good but lack something, not sure, but I wish this one had more going on.

Good job overall but needs more detail other than font


Cyberdevil responds:

The character's in the background; surrounding that font, sniffing those lines of stillness. ;) Thanks!


Okay well even tho this is a bit WTF, I do love it. I love the detail in the eyes and the mouth itself has the most detail and coloring. I think the eyes are nice, but they should be as detailed as the mouth itself. I think you have a good eye and use with your ink lines, the lines around the mouth for a fur effect really do achieve that and looks spot on in cat likeness. I think tho overall this is a great thing, but you need to keep going, it feels unfinished, like there is more cat to be seen here and more drawing to be done, but I do love it for what it currently is.

More of this would be nice, more cat, more eyes, etc


Cyberdevil responds:

Future remix may come about. :) Thanks for reviewing!

Wow nice

This was some amazing "ART" you have here some really nice "STRUCTURE" aswell with a stone like visual point and thats what really made it jump out at you, I think all this needs is some sparkle points and shine points, but you have created a very nice and beautifull piece here.

I think all this needs is some sparkle points and shine points


Amazing work

This was some really nice "SHADING" and texture I would have loved some backround work on this piece, Im not the biggest fan of this style, but I always keep the bias out of my reviews. But I must say this did catch my attention to some point so nice job on that part.

I would have loved some backround work on this piece



So this was pretty cute I love her "POSE" a few thing could be enhanced like maybe more of a smirk as an expression, have the star on her wand glow and sparkle and some added texture in the hearts in the backround, but besides all that this was actually a great character design.

a few thing could be enhanced like maybe more of a smirk as an expression, have the star on her wand glow and sparkle and some added texture in the hearts in the backround


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