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Brilliant piece

So here was a nice artistic and "BRILLIANT" piece I love the line work here and love the "COLOR" theme you have going on here, I do think you could brighten up some of the backround color to reflect off the character more but overall this was just a beautiful art piece indeed.

I do think you could brighten up some of the backround color to reflect off the character


LeiWu7 responds:

Thanks so much! I appreciate the kind words and the feedback as well!

Not a Pineapple

Maybe this would better be called a pinetree? I know you were doing something here for Christmas and if you changed the colors around, you may get a pineapple, but come on, this is definately a Xmas tree. I love the texture detail you've given this tree and the overall concept of it is pretty good. I love the star on top and the use of green. Now, you do need a background, that is a lot of white space, and don't say that it is snow, because I can tell it isn't. You just need something like maybe a house setting or gifts around the tree, that would improve this one, but good overall.

As I mentioned above, needs a background for sure


Cyberdevil responds:

It's an apple that looks like a pine man, thus the pun! That really was the main point of this. A new breed of apple. Thanks for the review though!

Amazing piece

So This was an amazing piece of art and you "CREATE" an action "SCENE" the character work is beautifuly done, the effects are brilliant and its an overall beautifull piece if I had anything to ecourge I would suggest even more effects more use of lighting effects aswell but honestly you may not need it, Kudo's to you on this art piece, now that I got that out of the way lets move along here, So here we have something not too shaby, the artwork is notbad, in fact I kinda like what you did here, some more polish up here and there would be a good start of improvment though. As all things come to an end so will this review but maybe later I can touch up on a few things, What it does do is Radiates Some Flavor and artistic Expression but as for now this was an interesting piece.

if I had anything to ecourge I would suggest even more effects more use of lighting effects aswell but honestly you may not need it


One is the loneliest number

I see what you've done here and I do like it, this one here is good overall, but really there is a lot of things you could improve on this one. The art itself is nice, the lines are clean, the color is crisp and has a good shine to it. The lettering of the number is also nice, but really there is just too much blue space and not enough going on here. The many many little 1s is nice and all, but I wish they had a lot of different colors for each number one and then it all kind of interlaced together. Even with that, I enjoy this one here, your art is always interesting and consistent in quality.

as mentioned above, needs more colors inside each of the number 1s


Cyberdevil responds:

But many ones are many. :)

Our tastes on simplistic typography do differ, but thanks for the review!

Amazing work

And once again you have some amazing work the "DETAIL" alone on this is beautifull, I love all the "CRACKS" even the backround was decent I would even go as far as adding some backround detail like cracks the light source stuff like that but overall this was a brilliant piece.

I would even go as far as adding some backround detail like cracks the light source stuff like that


JohnnyUtah responds:

👍 word up


so the "FLOWER" was pretty cute here love the "TEXTURE" you put into this and the lighting effect you put in with it beaming down on the art flower, I thaught the canvus could be a tad larger maybe to showw off more detail and whatnot but overall this was a nice flower and art piece.

I thaught the canvus could be a tad larger maybe to showw off more detail



I love the shark here, it really came out well poking out of the water like he is gonna kill someone but has a face like he doesn't care in the end, and this was a nice job in the sea ocean details and depth you've created. The sky was a bit lacking and could use some work though maybe someone clouds in the distance and the sun itself could use effects like a sunbeam or shine of some kind as the sun is usually too hot near the sea to be a simple solid coloring like that, but I did enjoy this, especially the sharks facial expression LOL.

Some shine and sparkle on the sun and some background clouds


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah I'm really happy how that turned out too. :) Sunbeams seemed difficult with the simple style, but maybe something to experiment with in the future, but a little depth to the sky would've been good I agree. Glad you liked it!


Well this one was very "COMPLEX" and different and it could have a whole other meaning but I don't understand the sugarcubes too much, is that a toothpick inside holding it, where did the "TOOTHPICK" come from? Why did this get build? So many questions, but I do like the "GREEN-CUP" and details in the cubes so you know they are made of sugar. The main thing that bothers me about this one here is the white space and overall use of so much white that the green stands out almost too much. I would add a wood table of sorts or something to take away from all this white and white space going on in here.

Take away the white space and color the table in to look like a wood table


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah that's a toothpick. :) It's an attempt at realism - the prerequisite for making those sugar cubes take on this particular form without collapsing, and better than glue since that's in part just difficult to draw and with factored in reality probably not good to have in your cup of coffee either! XD It's 'Sweet 17', you know?

Hmm white space there is, though I don't quite mind the whiteness... starting to think we might have different views on backdrop simplicity. When focus is on the motive I feel a white backdrop works well. It's neutral. Doesn't give or take, like a backlight that lights up the image.

Nice creatures

So you have some really nice "CREATURES" here they are pretty detailed and "NIFTY" I like that you put up the different versions up here very well done work here, maybe a different color border or maybe something more fancy, overall this was pretty good and I enkpyed your creations here.

maybe a different color border or maybe something more fancy


Big and good

I think this one here is pretty good, you have a talent for creating some cool ink creatures or just characters. I see you are using the same character as your "TWO" faces from the previous "INKTOBER-SUBMISSION", but I still enjoyed it. You sometimes will reuse art and then make it in a new way, which many artists do, and I think this one works well with that concept. I love the detailing of the buildings in the back, almost like a "GODZILLA" concept and art work. I think that was a good use of space and design. Overall good work and keep this up as always it is a pleasure to review your work.

Nothing to really change, I like this one here as it is.


Cyberdevil responds:

Can definitely see the GODZILLA similarities here. :) Always a pleasure to read your reviews too! Thanks!

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