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Good sketches

Ok well this here is decent for sketch work but you really could add more in terms of the Sailor Moon universe. I love the use of character representation in this. You have Usagi down pretty well in her ditzy ways and cute nature with strong body language and facial expressions. Just try to use the drawings in a setting like a battle or maybe a moon background with just one of the sketches as the main art. Good line work and coloring too btw. I do think you have some talent here. The lines do need a bit more solidity to them and refinement but good job nonetheless.

As stated above. Keep it up.


Very nice

This was nice and "SHARP" I think more use of glowing and shines and even some added sparles would be a nice touch up on this, And so here we have something interesting and differant, this was petty cool, it does show off some good artistic skills, but also at the same time it could use more effort and so on, So good style here keep with that effort. because it really does look great. And well thats that, a decent piece of art, some pretty neat way you designed this it was interesting and kept me looking at all the little details, so in that aspect of it, it was a decent piece of art, and I hope to see more from you soon, anyways nice efforts.

I think more use of glowing and shines and even some added sparles would be a nice touch up on this



So this was a nice character I love the "GOLD" theme here the hair is really nice, wish it was a bit more shiny and I would also suggest adding some backround detail to this piece here it seemed bland in the backround, but anyways this was a nice character design you have here.

wish it was a bit more shiny and I would also suggest adding some backround detail to this piece here it seemed bland in the backround


Damn that is good

Well this is something else and something really good. This is abstract and sexy and colorful and all the things I want to see in an art piece. I love the background that flows with the foreground and the images of the eye inside the hand going to the face, that is very nice touch, the way the skin flows into the background was unique too, I did love that touch and detail. The purples, pinks, eyes, odd hair and all the abstract art was a big bonus for me. It is like she is seeing into your soul. A gothic style here too and a great job here.

Nothing to change, it is great as it is.


Very nice

Well this one was a nice work and take on Lovecraft. I do love me some Nyarlathotep the coloring was nice and the effects with lightning and things inside the creature/character was neat. I do think you have a solid piece here but I want more effects and glows and shines coming off this guy. I want more sinister interpretations and evil present in the piece. I think you could have a victim or more going on here, maybe some big burst of sun and glows in blues. I do like your talent here and I see your potential but I want more and more details inside your art, even more textures.

It needs more textures and details and effects to really make it pop, but nice overall.


Undeadkitty13 responds:

thanks so much and ya i see what you need, been adding a bit more details in my more recent works

Very nice piece

So this was cool very nice "STRUCTURE" the gun seems like it could have some shine to it and maybe more backround color design like you have now, You have the Desire to create and you are Accustomed to this style so thats why it looks so great and fantastic, As I continue this review off I can already tell this is something differant and even special in a way, So keep up the good style here as I really do like this kind of style and its always a pleasure to see stuff like this, but anywaysonto the review and stuff. you have some nice Polish aswell.

the gun seems like it could have some shine to it and maybe more backround color design like you have now


MLeth responds:

Thanks for the feedback! The Glock generally have a pretty matte finish which means it's not very shiny (I think)

Good but sad

So I like this beautiful it is complicated with lota going on but I love that about this with its very artistic style and great use of effects and the top and bottom borders makes it all come together in a beautiful way. The space background was good. The stars and cosmic effects in different colors cuaght my eye. Her facial beauty and detailed eyes really shined through in this. I would recommend more details in the mouth area. I feel that is missing something and making the lips more saturated in color would really pop for extra flare. This was overall great and I hopw you keep this talent going.

Some details in the lips and saturation.



Now this is a beautiful "PIECE" this is one of those piece I could see turing into a tattoo I been wanting a new one and this could be it but anyways very nice design here love the "LINE-WORK" here its a beautifull design you have here and look forward to even more from you.

no changes on a beautiful piece of art here.


Really beautifull design

A Really beautifull design here I love the "B/W" design here and while its subtle still brings out some nice "DETAIL", would love to see some color added maybe even a framed piece here with some sort of fancy borders, I like the Enthusiasm here and it has some "RAPID-GROWTH" great visuals here, Now here is a piece I can really love, you showed off the imagination on this one and took us into a unique world with this piece. In some ways this has a Symbolic touch to it and only you can bring that out, and you did it Appropriately, So with all that said I will end this review here but before I do go just know your work is apreceated.

would love to see some color added maybe even a framed piece here with some sort of fancy borders



Well I found this to be great piece of art and the artistic abstract methods you used with horror inside of pink was creative. I get lost in the story here. It seems like a fantasy horror of what happend when you live in a princess dream world and never clean up. The mold and trees took over and now the place is ruined! The crackes are the shattered reality of the situation. I love the full canvass art and how you did not leave any White space but got every detail in there. Overall you have a talent and I hope to see more soon.

Try out a border here but nothing to change. I like it as is.


kittenbombs1 responds:

Thanks for the kind words. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your response.

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