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Nice pattern

Now this was a nifty design and pattern you have here it has some nice depth to it and some nifty view points too I really like this and would love to see much of these kinds of designs they have a unique style and certain depth about them so I was very pleased with the results here on this one.

I think you should make more like this one.



Ok wow I did like this one a lot, because the character just has the funniest face and clean look. I think that you were going for a nice new original character and I like what you've done. The green is nice for a "FROG" and the eyes are the best part of the body with being large and expressive. The eyes really let you feel what the frog is about and draws you in as a focus point. The subtle blue around the inner eye is nice as well, and I think you almost have an anime type eye style here that really works well for the frog. Your use of shadows and shine on the main body is good and makes for a more completed cartoon, but I would have added more shine in the face to give a more slimey feelings as frogs tend to be in the water and wet and slimey. I would have also added some water like background or a lily-pad background to fit it all as a nice scene that you could perhaps use inside of an animation. I think overall this was a nice character and the clean look and style is something I do like when you execute it. I hope you make more of the frog and maybe even the full body and not just the face shot of the lil dude.

Add more shine to the body of the frog, a nice water type or frog setting background to this would help too, and next time make the entire frog body so we can see the entire character.


Cyberdevil responds:

The green's the one relatable part I think. XD Thanks for the review!

Oh woody

woody wood pecker so woody at his best in an artistic mode, nice design i like all these abstract peices you have done of all these characters in odd and strange situations and visuals you should put them all together somehow, anyways nice work hope to see more.

All your characters, you should put them all together somehow in one place.


This was cute

So here was a "CUTE" piece very adorble and cute as mentioned I love all the colors I do think you need more patterens and shapes in the backround more depth in the backround detail, other then that this was an amazing art piece here and I was glad to have reviewed it.

I do think you need more patterens and shapes in the backround more depth in the backround detail


Fun times

Cant go wrong with "GHOSTS" These characters are always a fun and amazing blast of fun and entertaining enough to give off a good chuckle here and there and thats what I have really come to enjoy, this is a Fantastic comic series you have here, this particular one it ends just so well and leaves me with a smile.

you should make more ghost entries


Awsome work as always

And here we are with another awsome piece of comic, and this one bringing in some amusing and always so funny moments while these are not long by any means you bring a sense, of balance in humor and adventure from the story and thats what I really like about this and alot of your comic work.

Chainsaw lol make more of these


Very artistic

So this was very "ARTISTIC" I really like the portrait piece you have here some really nice talent and a great expression of the character itself the backround seemed like it could have had more color in the back end but overall this was pretty amazing work.

the backround seemed like it could have had more color in the back end



Do it dood, this is great, this is very detailed in the character desing, but why is this not digital? I do not see much paper work from you, but it would appear to be an all paper drawing and work that isn't done by computer. How did you go about this decision? I wonder, because you've been so digital in the past. The gear is amazing with your details and line work, but the body is very very off. The hand is so huge! But maybe he has a big hand? I think if you wanted to just show big gear, there is a way to do that, by making the gear seem a bit thicker and the hand doesn't get any smaller, that would have achived your effect much better in my eyes. The face seems a bit lost and the neck isn't really there. I think he should have a neck and the expression of this dude's face is a little barren, almost emotionaless. I'd add more emotion to the face and give a neck to boot. I think color would also benefit in this piece to show off the different type of armour and maybe a background as well, but for a doodle of a dude, this was just fine.

Add a background, add color, work on the size of his hand, work on his facial expressions, and maybe more of a neck for this dude, dude.


Cyberdevil responds:

Well before I started with computers it was all paper, so this was actually the kind of content I made way before that aforementioned digital past. :) Would love to do more hand-drawn work though, it's just easier with digital these days. Yupp, proportions and angles were pretty off, but I'm still pretty happy with the detail otherwise, drawing age considered! Thanks for reviewing!

This was cool

So this was kind of cool not sure what the yellow backround was meant for but seems like it was too bright maybe a dark grey might work even better on this piece, but there was some nice detail and a nice character even, so nice work indeedm hope you make more stuff like this.

A darker backround


An awsone black and white

I love the "BRIGHT" lines here I think some sort of border or frame on this canvus piece would be nice, So this here was an awsome black and white drawing the lines are good the design of it is welldone and overall this was just some nice detail and it being in black and white is always a plus as it shows off original detail and style, before any color was added.

I think some sort of border or frame on this canvus piece would be nice


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