Not bad
OK well this one here isn't too bad and it has a nice cool scene from the Jurassic Park world. Nothing I have seen in the movies but a good idea to try this out in terms of looks. I think the Raptor on the bike is riding in a good body position. It is believable that he would be sitting like that with the arms and head extended up in an upwards motion. This is some powerful line work and the detailing in the black shading is good stuff. You also have a vector like quality to this that makes it really clear and crisp. Even the details inside the bike are really good and make you understand that this is a dirt bike and that is the perfect type for the Jurassic Park world. I like the raptor and his face is great. I love his face like smile and tail. I would have loved to see this all in color tho. Maybe you can do one with colorized versions? I would like to see the bike and raptor colored. This could also do with a background. I think it needs a jungle or park setting like in the movies. I would like this because without all these additions it looks like something from a coloring book and those are good but not for art like this. You need color now and then and while black and white is clean and great for vectors, maybe branch out next time with a bit of color in this and a nice background. Overall tho your style and skills are there.
Just maybe try this in color next time and give it a nice Jurassic background.