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A nifty design

Nice use of color here maybe you could have made some color more brighter then others and more with a glow effect, So this was a nifty design you have here, its always amazing to see the different design paterns people can come up with and how much depth there can be, and with this one you added some nice depth and detail and that alone is why I liked this design of yours so nice work there.

maybe you could have made some color more brighter then others and more with a glow effect


Love the color

So the "COLOR" here was beaufully done, that bubble gum in her mouth was a nice touch I think you could have had a sparkle come off the edge of it just for some extra measure, This just Radiates creativity, A decent entry that you have herem I like this piece as it was differant and thats what I tend to look for, so it was a nice find, but anyways make more stuff like this. So Kudo's to you on a fine piece of art and creativity, some nice effort seems to have gone into this. I like your stamp of Expression on your art style.

that bubble gum in her mouth was a nice touch I think you could have had a sparkle come off the edge of it just for some extra measure


Very smooth

I love the "COLOR" on this character design you have here the backround was somewhat bland but maybe you can ad some sort of detail or backdrop just an idea to ad onto it, and more shine on the character wouldnt hurt, but all in all you have done a nice art piece here with some really smooth art color here.

the backround was somewhat bland but maybe you can ad some sort of detail or backdrop just an idea to ad onto it, and more shine on the character wouldnt hurt


You Illustrate adventure

There was good "ADVENTURE" here seems like it ended short though seems like there could have been more to the story, So You Illustrate adventure with this episode and it shows off well, your characters shine in this one and you bring out the detail a little bit more on this one and thats a cool thing, A very entertaining part of the comic here, this comic keeps on going and going lol, anyways nice work.

seems like it ended short though seems like there could have been more to the story


Love this

Ok well this one here is pretty good and very sexy. I love the way the girl is positioned, it leaves for a classy and sexy appeal to the character. The story you wrote to go with this is also interesting and give you more context. I think the body positioning does need work tho and maybe add more to the background other than that big black ceiling. I like the trunk being there to go with the story, but you could have an office background to fit with your office setting. Overall a good job and hope you do more naked art like this.

Add an office background to fit with the setting and context of the story


Yes, nice

Very nice work on this one I do think some added color would go a long ways and really improve on this, I was pleased to find another episode to this fine comic series you have here, it always keeps me interested and you always have a way of making it funny and exciting so very well done here today and on all your comic episodes, I look for more soon.

I do think some added color would go a long ways and really improve on this


A crisp Design

A design with a crisp look about it, I think more balance of color is needed its these styles of art that really jump out at me with these crips and sharp designs about them regardless of color the design it self is just so "APEALING" and well done with a really nice visual about it, so for that alone I have enjoyed this.

I think more balance of color is needed.



Ok so this one here, well it was neat, but also kind of familiar. I think because we often see Alien games on here that it tends to draw me back to that and make me think of it over and over. I like the smile you have inside your alien, but it seems more like just a smiley that replaces its head on another body of a king ant or something. It just doesn't really work together for me and I am not sure why, but it is cute and neat. I think the drawing style you used here is nice and the coloring you went for is also good, because the colors really flow and work together. They compliment each other and make it a nice happy piece, for a nice happy smiley. I would have added a nice background or maybe a spaceship behind him to really tell a story and more details is never a bad thing. Sometimes you focus soley on the character and not the background or any other details, but I would encourage you to explore more backgrounds and other fun elements you can put behind characters. I do think you have this ability as you are very talented in terms of using digital art. I think overall I would give this a good rating as it is well executed but I would hope for a bit more next time you do this type of character.

Please add a background to this one, I think it would be great or maybe a spaceship? It would really make for a nice scene. I think this was a good job tho.


Cyberdevil responds:

Ah yeah, a spaceship would've been cool! :D Thanks for reviewing!


Nice drawing here and really good face expression and hair lines too you put in some shades aswell and it all came tother well so that alone I was impressed with, the skintone could have more meshed color though, but other then that this was a good characters head.

maybe some meshed skintone



I love "POTATO-MAN" lol This was a Spectacular piece of the comic almost like another piece of the puzzle and you are bringing it alive here, the adventure coninues on with this one, and your humor in this one was great right to the end even very nice stuff here and I was glad to have caught this one.

for sure make more of these types with potato man lol.


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