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Wow amazing

Now this was pretty amazing, the "DETAIL" is so realistic and the backround is just as good so nice job here very realistic style here, and this is one of those pieces that you dont need any changes its a beautifull art piece as is, so really fantastic job here.

this is one of those pieces that you dont need any changes its a beautifull art piece as is


Very well done

Wow the "DETAIL" is amazing here love the linework its so "FINE" and such detail I almost think you could ad a fancy frame on this and have more like a gallery piece, but anyways thats my take on this piece its a beautiful piece of art here and hope to see more of your work soon.

I almost think you could ad a fancy frame on this and have more like a gallery piece


Very good design

Wow you create "STORIES" in these art pieces and I love them, you should ad a fancy black and white frame on these b/w pieces, So I call this drawing a design but have to say this was very unique and different its a drawing or a design a sketch its a brilliant piece of art here with some nice line work that makes this as artistic as it is even its black and white theme is just as fantastic.

you should ad a fancy black and white frame on these b/w pieces


Neat design

This one here is neat, but seems a bit rushed. I feel like there could be more going on here. This was some nice detail some really good shading to give off that robot design, that sci-fi reference was apparent in your work. I love how you used color and detail and that was all talent on your part. I would love to more of a full background and integrate more elements of what is surrounding the robot, because I honestly don't understand what is around them, but it seems to be connected to them in some way.

Just more background details and more details on the element surrounding the robot


BlurMarsh responds:

I wasn't expecting a review on this drawing! I haven't drawn her in a while but I'll try to keep in mind what you told me in the next one. Thank you!!


Ok I am not sure what you were going for with this one. I had to read the description to even start to understand your concept here. I think maybe you wanted to make something that looked like a 3 year olds work in 3 minutes because the theme was 3? Like keep it all in 3s to fit this idea of a 3 year old drawing something. I think the sun is nice, the way it is positioned is most likely something a 3 year old would do. I think the font is just messy enough to think a kid did it. I mean, when I first saw it, I was like this cannot be his art, his fonts and text style are usually so well done and I enjoy them but this is, Not to say anything negative, it was just not what I am used to from you. The dirty ground is the only thing I think that you got lost in. It is just so plain and just this brown thing that is sitting here. I look at it and thing a kid would draw more, maybe a flower or something. They don't see the world as this brown earth look, well it is more grey now that I think about it. The bushes are your most detailed and do not look too much like a child drew them because of the texture you've put inside them. Most kids dont go for texture but just color things inside the lines. Overall not a bad piece, just different, and I see what you were trying I think lol.

Think more like a child and do more grass type then the grey and add a flower next time.


Cyberdevil responds:

Rated three because of all these threes right? :P Hmm yeah, you're right about the ground, although indeed there's no brown there at all, it's all dark gray, and a bit much detail anyway huh. I did go for different so glad that comes across at least!


Well this was an interesting piece here I love the dark character "DESIGN" here the orb he holds could have a much more radient glow about it but overall thats the only change I would ad here but this was still an amazing character design here, so nice job indeed.

the orb he holds could have a much more radient glow about


Very dark

So this was really "DARK" and that was the "INTENT" I love the dark element you pushed here Now as a small improvment I think some glowing eyes would have been good and maybe darker overwelming clouds aswell, but besides all that this was an amazing piece of dark element.

I think some glowing eyes would have been good and maybe darker overwelming clouds aswell


HappytoDraw responds:

Thanks for the great review! I agree that darker clouds/sky would make give the piece a better/stronger dynamic. Good tips!

Nice drawing

Very dark and creepy but thats what I liked about, Some more backround detail would have been nice on this one, So here was a nice black and white drawing I like it because its like a drawing or sketch but its pretty good as you do ad some nice line and detail effort on this with some good energy behind it, you make it come alive even in all its black and white drawing style.

Some more backround detail would have been nice on this one



Ok so this strikes me as short of a darker jason, like in theme, he is more sinister and has more need for blood here. I like the way you have placed the blood on the mask and all over his bloody hand, but why the feet? I think the feet would naturally have blood on them, but he is standing there in a puddle of blood, without a body, and the rest of the blood is off to the side? I think this would have worked better if you attached the blood trail to the arm/hand weapon a bit more to show it was spooling over and that it just got all over him being so much there. I think the mask and the body are good. The arms are very very big, my god. Why did you draw them so long and big? I think it makes his body look uneven, but this may be the art style you wanted to achieve. Was it what you were going for? I would have balanced out the arms more, less length to them as now they seem as long as a gorilla. I would have also added a background to this. You do have awesome original text names hovering over him, but that is about it. I think you need a murder scene or something to show me where the blood came from, that would be a nice addition, but the character and art itself was dark and I do like that, especially all that blood. The jason text name is also well done and the way you've made the one letter longer was a nice idea and executed in a good manner. Overall a good piece here and I love the sinister stuff you do most.

Add a background with a murder scene or victim, fix the arms length, add more blood to the weapon and feet. Mostly add more blood flow please.


Cyberdevil responds:

I think all bodies I drew had unproportionately long limbs back then. :) Maybe inspired by eighties action heroes like Arnold... not sure if it was intentional or it just turned out that way. I might've thought it looked cool. Agree some bits of this could've been worked on more, and the title in particular's pretty blank.


I love the setting in this one. And here is an amazing piece of art love the sky and shooting star coming off of the sky, but I think you need to ad more glow effects to the stars themself. The colors are really good that it gives off that romantic element of candle lights and soft settings. The color dimming of the sky was nice, going from a purple to deep black as you got higher was a great touch. The dept of the bottom to the top worked out well witht he details of the trees and campers, and the use of space here was wonderful. I love it overall.

Some added glow to your stars.


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