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Very good

Wow this is a great piece of artwork and captures that haunted feeling right down to each detail. The erie way you drew the shadows of trees and the use of fog effects make you really feel this is creepy and perfect for a haunted setting. The blues and cool colors really make it seem haunted too because it isnt using bright happy colors. Good choice there. I would say this needs some characters but you said it was a background for a piece you are doing. I look forward to seeing this from you.

I am just looking forward to when you add some characters. Good job overall.



I think one here is more of a morse code than a card but this piece here is very interesting. I mean, it isn't like your others and say is a saying. I am trying to work on what it says actually, because it is bothering me, so you have my interested in that aspect. I think the lines you used for the text is good, but too basic. You have much white space surrounding them and you could have cropped this a but so the lines are bigger and easier to read. Apparently this translates out to "HELLO". is that correct?

Less white space and make the text bigger to read the code more


Cyberdevil responds:

Well it's a card with morse code. The pun's in both title and code itself, so if you actually know the code... heeey, you actually looked it up! :D Yes indeed, it's a very literal greeting card! Thanks for that effort!

Not bad

Ok this one is not bat and interesting, you have done a good version of of the Transformers series with something of a political twist and comedy added in. I think the work of the pixels was a good choice for remaking something as complex and diverse as Transformers and the feeling of comedy for some of the characters being transformers to give you that comical feeling is well done and you're going to have a good career with pixel art. This was some nice work, I like the way you have named each character like you would an autobot or decepticon. Good jokes in this one with colbert and all that so the joke was executed well and I UNDERSTAND what you are trying to say here so nice job and some nice artwork indeed. I would make this a bit bigger in terms of pixels size. Not the art style but the aspect of size. Id go more HD with 4k quality so you could add this on a monitor and really show it off. As I have stated, good work here keep up the good work, you really know how to make pixels complex and even the backgrounds youve constructed really shine and give off that Transformers feeling. It keeps your theme going and allows the comedy to flow from each character to the next. The detailing in each character and the fact youve made them look like the character they are portraying but as a robot was spot on and impressive. Im not too familiar with all your characters but the ones I did know were funny stuff to see as Transformers. Great stuff hope to see more soon.

Add more size and quality to this so it can be HD or 4k for wallpapers or just to allow you to view details more.


Nice black and white

So this was a nice black and white drawing I like some of the dteail but seems like you could polish it up a bit more these styles of black and white are notbad and they present a classic form of beauty but anyways you have a nice sketch or black and white design here.

some small color might sufice


Brilliant again

These jokes just get better and better, I like the color added but would love even more color maybe atleast the frames, I know I say brilliant but thats what you make this into a brilliant peice of adventure with some comedy attached and thats what the front line would say about this so keep up the great work and keep it classy and keep it brilliant I love how this series is turning out.

I like the color added but would love even more color maybe atleast the frames



Another fun joke and well executed Alright so what Can I say that I have not already said this is a good piece here and all of the ones in the series are I like how each one has a different feel of story to them and while the characters are the same there is still some excitemeant. so thanks for the effort here.

some added color for sure.


Cool idea

I love things like this. It is very artistic and has good use of coloring and the background makes it all come together in a scifi way and artistic way. Your background was good but a bit blurred and perspectives seemed off, but I did like your blending. The robots facial and detailed eyes really were good. I loved the added touch of a lightning rod in one eye behind the eye. I would recommend more sharpening of the image and more perspective and depth to the background but good job overall.

I would just make things a bit sharper.



So this was cool I like that this one only took you a solid 50 seconds and you still managed to come up with something that looks decent. I do think the lines are a bit all over the place in size veriations, so maybe that's something need to watch out for next time you go to do a fast drawing, but I do like the style here and for something that was going to be done so fast, it is not bad at all.

Some improved lines for consistency


Cyberdevil responds:

Well 50 seconds was a challenging time limit. XD I plotted the motive before I started the clock, though. Pretty happy with how it turned out all things considered, but do agree, with time maybe I'll get both faster and better. Thanks!


Ok this one is not bat and interesting, you have gone for some pixel art again and this time you've included a background to have more pixel type items from the food types of burgers and pies to apples and shakes, and I think that was interesting because it isn't always done like that. You often see other types like flowers or items of weapons when doing a background like this but you took that old way and made it work for the theme you have here. The theme seems to be health and fitness as the women is wearing workout clothing and ready to go work out and train and maybe she is a fitness freak who isn't going to let you stop till you drop or drop dead from over working. I like the way you have her hands doing that peace sign and the way her other hand rests on her hip. This type of body position shows she is ready to go and ready to get to work but also have fun. The blonde in her hair is nice and the the way she smiles was drawn really well for pixel art. I think also the work out clothing was a good choice to make her look and the feeling she wants to give you that you're going to have a good workout. I would like to see more of her body next time, maybe her feet as those seem to be cropped out but that is fine for now, but try adding more of her body next time so we get the entire picture of this girl. Overall great stuff and hoping to see more soon from you.

Add more of her body in this next time, zoom out to include feet and the rest of her but good job on this one right here.


Very romintic piece

this was a delightfull piece and shows off some really nice elements of detail, my tip is I wish the rain was more domminant but I guess its a light rain, These types of pieces are always artistic and they brings something new to the table, thats why im a fan of these types of art and skill types, and seems like you did put fourth some effort and bringing some good creativity to the boards, making for a decent and artistic piece. My thaughts on this are that its a slick and beautiful piece and on my ending thaughts you really did bring out the creative mind though otherwise feels it might have looked nicer with less, but you have a great piece of work here.

my tip is I wish the rain was more domminant but I guess its a light rain


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