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Wow nice

Wow this was nice not sure how you did this but its a beautiful "SPERE" or "ORB" love the color that comes up in it from the ground piece, I like the shine too but maybe a sharp sparkle comming off that shine, Anyways very nice work here I have enjoyed seeing and reviewing this piece.

I like the shine too but maybe a sharp sparkle comming off that shine


nuFF3 responds:


Thanks for the feedback.

I actually remade this piece two years after this was made.

Nice color

And here you have some nice use of "COLOR" I really like the rainbow like colors here I think you should brighten them up and maybe even with a glow, And here we have something fresh, something interesting and kind of nifty, there was a good element about this you really know how to bring things together in a good way, and i was pleased with all of what you presented here, making something pretty interesting. So Nice work on this piece of design, I will always enjoy stuff like this and will always look for more stuff like it among the art portal and beyond.

I really like the rainbow like colors here I think you should brighten them up and maybe even with a glow


Caaath responds:

OMG WOW, thank you for everything and for all the tips to improve it! <3 It was very kind of you!


so this was pretty nifty and "UNIQUE" very different then I normally see but you presented some nice lighting effects here, I think some added sparkle on the oval edge points would be a nice suggestion, Anyways really nice work you have created here I like your work and art.

I think some added sparkle on the oval edge points would be a nice suggestion


Mega Cute

Nothing beats a good fan art of the megaman series. I do like the cartoon like recreation you've done here. The characters are very comical and very animated for an art piece. I think their expressions and overall coloring choices are spot-on. I like the way you have your signature inside this, but not in an obvious way that takes away from the work. I think the plain yellow background is nice, but if you want to stick to plain backgrounds, then give this a border to spice it up with something that will pop-out more. Well now that we end this review I want to say good job and keep up this great skill.

Add a border to this for extra spice


Nice glow

So this was a really nice "CAT" and the "GLOW" was even better, I think some added glow items or even props maybe even a small mouse would have been a nice touch on the topic, but regardless I found this art piece to be a nifty idea of one and hope you continue to make more.

some added glow items or even props maybe even a small mouse would have been a nice touch on the topic



Well notbad at all, and great for a mermaid piece. I see that this one had all the elements like decent characters and whatnot, but the detail in the tail was the best part in terms of effects and style, and great drawing of ocean life aswell. I love the use of lighting in this aswell, you've got ocean underwater light down pretty well, in the future you may find me reviewing your work alot, so hope to see much more soon...


Most-High-Studios responds:

Thank you very much for your review! I'm always looking for feedback.


This is so good and wonderful. I think this is like a post apocalyptic time where no one is going to the site and the world is ending and over. I think this is a good looking piece for something that looks dead and abandoned. The way you used the browns and dust like colors gave it that old and used and abused feeling. The fact you picked that old orange yellow brown type of coloring really was a smart choice and give off an old photo or deserted area feeling.The kind of feeling you'd want to have here in something that would be abbandoned. The way you have the sign on the skull is cool, so is that skeleton Tom then? The T.F. in the skull really hint that is who you have here laying about all dead and such. Poor Tom...He just wanted his site to be good. I think that the line detailing and the skeleton details are really good and accurate. I think the way you have the people off in the distance is also good and something very interesting. I would have loved to see more detailed on them, but nothing drastic. They are just really blacked out and hard to tell a few things going on with them. I see a weapon and their gear on but more white lines of detail would have been nice, mostly in the facial area, but it isn't too bad as it is now. The vast space they walk in, the desert, is pretty good and looks like sand or a western type scene. I think the spacing here is the best part because you've shown how much there isn't left on newgrounds and balanced it all with the prospects of lots of sand space and the apocalyptic theme. You have really impressed me with this and I would love to see more of this type of submissions from you soon.

Just more detail in the two characters in the background as they seem a bit meshed and lost in certain detail.



So this was nifty I like the scene here but seems like you could ad some "SHADING" and some added texture in both the backround and the character, I enjoyed your work here though very nice scene going on and some decent artwork aswell, so keep up the nice work.

some added texture in both the backround and the character



This was interesting brings a good scary feel to things for some reason...I don't know it just reminded me of Schwartz work of scary stories. I love the black and white or dim line work and the overall comic book feeling. I haven't read all the chapters but I am a bit lost only seeing this one, but you have a good ability to write. I would just work on proofreading and maybe add some color to a future comic. Anyways nice entry.

Add color to future works of this


Very welldone

And this was very welldone, love the character design here and i love the backround detail very nice indeed, You bring some good Insight to this piece and you have Captured some interesting visual ideas here, So this one here is pretty awsome, this piece really caught my eye, I like your deep style of detail and what not, it really came out well. I am most impressed with this, But Before I start saying anything the first thing I noticed on here is that it really jumps out at you with a nice unique style, you really do have the skills for great stuff such as this piece, Now that I have that out of the way I have to say you did an impressive job here actually.

Didnt find any changes needed you have presented a beautifull piece of art here.


cashumeru responds:

you had me expecting some big overarching flaw i might've missed lol, thanks wayne!

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