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Wow nice

seems like a "COMIC-BOOK" I could get into and nice to see you still submitting art after all this time, seems like you could have made a special frame or border for this one, So a lot of effort goes into these kinds of art pieces, and thats what amazes me, you have presented a good piece with awsome style. OK so I will leave you with that as a review and say that you have impressed me sofar and was glad to see this fine art piece and i hope you keep up the fantastic and creative ideas, because i will for sure be there looking for more, so keep up the work.

seems like you could have made a special frame or border for this one


jouste responds:

interesting take. borders tend to confine my images and i was looking to have this one be a little more chaotic. really interesting observation!



so here was an awsome art piece with a great band of "GROUPED" characters very well detailed and designed here, so this was nice work I do think some kind of nifty and creative frame along the edges would be a nice touch here, So my Insight on this whole piece was that it was first Explosive and much more then that. Now its these kinds of pieces that really give me a sense of joy they bring so much to the table and you really pushed the limits on this one. A nifty art piece you have here, and as I end here soon I will mention this is not just nifty but has a nice element design behind it, And I really do want to see what else you can bring to the table and portal.

some kind of nifty and creative frame along the edges would be a nice touch here


Another nifty one

The magnifying glass was a cool idea and well "EXECUTED" And here I sit wondeing what you will bring next to this series and its always something new and different and uneexpected and I get a sense of pleasure knowing that you bring some fresh content and those are just oneof the things that keeps me comming back for more of this.

great idea with this one more of those nifty ideas in the future ones.


Very unique

So you have some very "UNIQUE" work love the "CHARACTER" design. I would have loved more of that lighting effect to beam down on the characters, So this is what keeps me and aswell as others comming back for more unique pieces like this, I like this creation you have here, its more then just art and some nice visual, its unique. Finally a Symbolic piece that makes sence in an artistic way and style, Its stuff like this that make me want to look deeper and harder in the art portal for pieces just like this, so thank you for that alone, And hope to see more soon.

I would have loved more of that lighting effect to beam down on the characters


Another brilliant one

I kind of ffeel bad that bad things always happen to the other guy but guess it happens the ending was great lol, And once again you have achieved another brilliant piece here in this fine comic series you have, Im not really what to say as I have reviewed lots of your comics but one thing I do know is that this has been a pleasure and love how this particular story has played out so nice job there, anyways keep doing what you do as its some pretty good stuff you have going on here, and I will keep an eye out for more.

This was good but would have loved if it was longer.



so with this one you really did ad a nice "VIBRANT" element especially with the pumnkins aswell you really have pushed the detail and lighting effects and in that aspect of things this is one piece I have no real major tip on things as this was just a solid piece of artwork at its best, anyways keep making great art like this.

I have no real major tip on things as this was just a solid piece of artwork at its best



So that was not the best kind of "GREENS" So This one I say fancy dandy just the way it plays out but anyways another piece to this great big comic series you have and you made it fancy and dandy well in my opinion anyways its fun entertaning and thrilling very nice work indeed and I want more soon. but anyways keep making great comics.

I like the added color would love more of that.


love the color here

wow I have to say you really outdid yourself with some nice backround detail like line work and texture, you have created some very high detailed stuff here the ship was nice and creates a nice scene aswell, I dont have any improvment points this time but do encourage you to make more of this style anyways really nice work here.

I dont have any improvment points this time but do encourage you to make more of this style


Really cool

I love the "ROBOTIC" feel you have going on here with this one, the "DETAIL" alone is pretty impressive line detail and color detail, so my take on this was that at the bottom where it hits the ground and creates a crack seems like you should have had much more cracks and such there was a lot of unused space on the canvus, but anyways nice work here.

my take on this was that at the bottom where it hits the ground and creates a crack seems like you should have had much more cracks and such there was a lot of unused space on the canvus


Imrie responds:

Thanks for taking the time to give feed back it's all appreciate.

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