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Cool combo

Great character "COMBO" here and I am loving the cartoony feel with colors even that yellow guitar seems to mesh in the yellow backround maybe some added texture in the backround to offset that, but overall this was a nifty idea here some really nice characters and poses.

that yellow guitar seems to mesh in the yellow backround maybe some added texture in the backround to offset that


Really nice

So this was some nice "WORK" I love all the details in this piece, seems like some added shine and even sparkle could have been pushed on some those detailed points, but a really good art piece here and shows off a sort of story even like she is on a mission.

seems like some added shine and even sparkle could have been pushed on some those detailed points


BoyPorcelain responds:

Thank you!

I'm glad to see the idea came through, i will keep that in mind next time i use light like that.. If you have the time i have more art pieces that could do with some crit. Would love whatever feedback there is! :)

Wow nice

So this was really cool a great work of art and beautifull character detail, that grid in the backround seems as if you could have made the purple lines glow more, I always enjoy seeing what the art portal has to offer, and it always seems to keep me interested and comming back, so this was a pleasent joy to see. It kind of reaches out and grabs at you in away as do special art pieces and this one just kind of pulls you in with a unique style and well detailed details, I like your style here, so keep at this and keep making these kinds of art pieces they are nifty.

that grid in the backround seems as if you could have made the purple lines glow more



I am loving the use of "COLOR" here on this one, the animation of this piece was "FANTASTIC" seems like its missing more splash from the behind the character, Theres always Something different to see in the art portal but thats what I love about it, and the entry you have here is no different, its different and unique in its own ways and brings a different style to the table. Now with me ending this review in just a bit I do want to say it was a pleasure checking this piece of out as it kept me interested and wanting more.So keep up the fantastic style here.

seems like its missing more splash from the behind the character


KeithGarces responds:

I'm definitely going to take these into consideration. Thank you <3

Really cool

So there is some action in this it being some kind of robot I would love to see more shine and sparkle on this one, And now for the Extended portion of the review, You have some nice Polished elements in this piece, These kinds of entries reall move leaps and bounds with me because it brings out a lot of creativity especially with this pice that speaks volumes. I like the Blend of style and uniqueness you bring, And so with this piece The fires of creativity burning within another inspiring piece, Some real work of art piecing everything together like you have here.

this it being some kind of robot I would love to see more shine and sparkle on this one


This was cute

A cute and "ADORBLE" piece you have created here I like the character and the board I do think some added shine on the board maybe even some sparkle too, and you should ad something to the backround maybe an ocean with waves to kind of show off the world she is headed to or comes from, this was a nice art piece.

some added shine on the board maybe even some sparkle too, and you should ad something to the backround maybe an ocean with waves to kind of show off the world she is headed to or comes from



So this was cool I love the dragon here this was a very nice "PIECE" I do think some added effects like glowing eyes maybe a more textured border and such would be a nice touch up, This one has Flair and sofar this is a good start and you made it stand out and some areas didnt so much. but for sure you added Stylization and you have Captured that Flair in this piece. So I am honored in this style of work here and I will admitt, I found your artwork by accident but I must say I became an instant fan of your work and your style, but anyways keep up this style its top notch stuff, And I will continue to look for your future stuff.

I do think some added effects like glowing eyes maybe a more textured border and such would be a nice touch up


This was cute

I like all the little birds here made for a nice and "VISUAL" point nice expressions on them all, the white outter border piece was also a nice touch, I would suggest as an opinion from my point of view to see some texture in the white outter border or maybe some small birds in there or nothing at all as it is a nice piece as is, anyways nice work here.

I would suggest as an opinion from my point of view to see some texture in the white outter border or maybe some small birds in there or nothing at all as it is a nice piece as is


Really nice

So this was a nice "CHARACTER" sitting up and looking down on everyone a nice "POSE" the hanging guy was nice too the backround was pretty decent but maybe some added lighting effect back there it would bring on a nice effect, but this was some really nice work here.

the backround was pretty decent but maybe some added lighting effect back there it would bring on a nice effect


Wow amazing

And wow some amazing work you have here the detail of the dress alone is just so amazing it's detail like that that just jumps out at me and you presented it well with some nice visual points here now I'm always saying ad something more to your background and you have done just that it's a subtle background but still very impressive and I enjoyed it very much keep it up

I don't think this piece needs changes it's solid and artistic


holikrep responds:

Oh gosh I feel so bad i've been away I only just now saw all ( or most, still reading!) of your kind comments/critiques/suggestions ; u ; I can't tell ya how much I appreciate you going through and taking the time to do that <3 it means a lot to read them all so thank you very much! You're too kind~

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