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Nice doodle

Ok so this here is pretty nice and good for a doodle and the space is fully covered so you didnt just draw one thing and move on which is always nice to see in art. I am glad you used one full color for this, except for the text, because it really flows well this way. I know some color variations are always good, but this works but it is ink art and that type can all be consistent. I like the text but the color of the text is light, very light, and I almost can't read the text here, so maybe next time just darken up the color and give it more to read off of. The hints of blacks within the blue was a nice touch and shows a highlight to more important aspects of the art here. Overall very good work.

Darken the color of the text and you have something perfect


Cyberdevil responds:

Good advice, thanks! Glad you liked it too!


I think this one is much better than the last one you've created. I love the use of the greens and the splatter you've got going on to create an almost texture like feeling in the background of the art. I do think inktober is your thing and you've always got a good set of skills when it comes to creating your own text. I probably have said it before that you should be making your own fonts for submissions and showcasing that skills. The only thing I would think you should change is how close the text is to the art of the light, because the colors are so similar you are losing the text and the image in sort of a mesh way, so maybe next time add a color in there or space out your text more.

Space out text from the art and just keep them from getting too close


Cyberdevil responds:

Spaced out text, check. :) Honestly wasn't that happy with how this one turned out, it does feel crammed together... and blended together too. Thanks for the review!


Haha nice work here on "SONIC" I like the "SPEED-MOTION" he seems to be in, I like how the backround represents speed moment maybe if they were more left to right but regardless they were still a pretty good element, nice detail on sonic to show him in an action moment some good art here and some good character detail so I was pretty pleased with this whole piece of great character art here.

I like how the backround represents speed moment maybe if they were more left to right but regardless they were still a pretty good element


Nice try

I know working with a new tablet can be hard and I see you've got the Wacom Bamboo one going on here, but you do need a bit of practice with it. Your style isn't lost using this, but your text is a bit smooched and it can be hard to read like that, but I attribute that to your new device. I think that your use of textures and flare around the text is always nice. It isn't a big art piece but it does have style and I love the use of colors. The fireworks, well they seem like fireworks, are very nice and have that sparkle flare to them. I think overall you have a good new device but you need practice a bit.

As stated above, practice with the new tablet. Overall a good piece.


Cyberdevil responds:

First try working with a tablet at ALL too. ;) I'm still more used to the mouse for specific shapes/styles. Feels more precision-based, whereas the tablet's better for faster work and sketches. And just regular writing. This one captured the chaos, I hope. :) Thanks.

Strange one

So this was a strange and odd "CREATURE" and I understand its just practice with the fur but you did pretty good here, I still think some added backround or props would still improve on this piece, but anyways this was pretty nice work hope to see much much more from you.

I still think some added backround or props would still improve on this piece


Nice detail

Wow this is something very nice here, I love the black and white style here, tobad its not in "COLOR" would have been really nice, also seems like you could have filled in the surrounding areas and backround with more detail and or line work but overall this was really a nice piece of work here and I was really pleased with the amaount of "DETAIL" but regardless this was really impressive.

seems like you could have filled in the surrounding areas and backround with more detail and or line work



I think this one is pretty great in terms of your artistic ability and style. The demon like creature is just spot-on good and has eyes that draw you in. The background of small lines going into each other really helps you focus on the creature. It allows you to have full space and matches with the style of the creature. I love the horns and the way you did that a bit differently. The background color of grey is also fitting because it allows for some depth to this piece. I do think this one has potential for an animated short. I hope you'll do something like that. Good work overall, hope to see you start animating things similar to this soon.

I do like it as is but maybe animate this one next time


Cyberdevil responds:

I'm pretty proud of this one too. :) Thank you!


Some really nice "ELEMENT" with this one, the deep texture in the backround is really impressive I do think some added lighting and glow could be added to this piece but for what it is its still pretty impressive as it is, so nice work here and hope you keep up the good work here.

I do think some added lighting and glow could be added to this piece but for what it is its still pretty impressive as it is



A nice drawing and sketch the "SHADING" is really nice its subtle but still pretty good, the pose of the persons backside was nice too this is one of those pieces they teach you in class and you have done well on this beautifull drawing I really like it, I would suggest some backround detail but honestly dont feel like this one needs any, but anyways nice work indeed and hope you make more of these drawings.

I would suggest some backround detail but honestly dont feel like this one needs any


Best yet

You have done something really good and detailed here. I do like the One Piece tribute you've got going on here. You didn't draw it like the anime either, which is always nice to see other peoples interpretations of things they love. I do love the water splashes on the beach, the air, the way he is excited with his arm extending. I do think this one is a well though out piece. You've made a full scene and you made a smile come to my face seeing the joy he has. You expressed that feeling in a positive and fun way and all using your inktober skills. I loved it overall and there isn't much to change on this one.

I like this one as is and good job


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you like it, thanks!

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