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So here was a very "CUTE" character not sure how to review this one as its pretty solid work, maybe some added elements in the backround to show she may have been doing other things maybe a snowman in the backround, anyways you have some nice detail here.

maybe some added elements in the backround to show she may have been doing other things maybe a snowman in the backround


HBeats responds:

Thanks for the input, glad you like her :)
Yeah the background doesnt do much for telling a story. I was supposed to have some snowmen around her, but decided they didn't match the background (more because of how the lineart looked)
I'll take it into consideration for future works tho!


So this was "SHARP-LOOKING" you have the perfect "POSE" and the colors are so "VIBRANT" and that sharp look makes it look awsome, now one little suggestion I might have would be putting some sparkle on the tip of the swords blade, and maybe even some added bakround detail, very good stuff here.

one little suggestion I might have would be putting some sparkle on the tip of the swords blade, and maybe even some added bakround detail


Some different

I like this one a great character a top of the "WORLD" seems like some more props or birds could be added in the backround sky or more riders, And here we have it another nice art piece, and doesnt take much to make something decent just some time and patience is all it takes, and thats what you have shown here today, and I am glad i can see your creations. you have the right Ingredients to make some of the best stuff around. And now onto the Extended portion of the review, It Radiates with Expression So hope you like my Critique of your work here, So its always a nice thing to see stuff like this come around thru the portal, but as I do end this review I do want to say this was a nice piece of work.

seems like some more props or birds could be added in the backround sky or more riders


Nice pixel

So this was pretty good "PIXEL" that sword is nice maybe a sparkle at the top of it, thats the onlything I see needing any change other then that you did some amazing work on the color and all of the pixel here and it was a nice visual point keep up the good work.

that sword is nice maybe a sparkle at the top of it



So some nice work here and I really love the "BLUE-EFFECT" here but some added backround on this art piece would be a real plus it was lacking some backround detail and elements, So its only once in awhile that we find something thats interesting and unique on the portal, and thats what I have randomly found here today, you have outdone yourself with this unique piece. so I for one look forward to see what you may come up next. But thats pretty much my Overview you could ad a Twist of Polish but that there Concludes on this review, I like to see stuff like this because you bring a new style of creation and bring a lot to the table, and thats what catchs my eye especially with this one.

some added backround on this art piece would be a real plus it was lacking some backround detail and elements


Nice clown

A nice "CLOWN" like character you have here some really nice elements here with some good fresh detail, you have some nice work here, Not sure why there was no neck but this was some nice character here and this is one of those art pieces that wont need any changes or new suggestions its a brilliant art piece, make more of this style soon.

this is one of those art pieces that wont need any changes or new suggestions its a brilliant art piece


Very fantastic Art

And here you are once again with some nice artwork here, the "VIEW-SHOT" is pretty good and the lighting effects are even better, I have no updates or changes for this piece as you have presented some solid artwork here it was fantastic as it is, And once again I have found a nice art piece here, its a goodpiece that shows your effort, and you really went out of your way, I may have a few ideas for some slight change later though. It was a Delightful submission and you had a really good Presentation overall, so nice job here. So before I end this review I do want to say that you have gave some good insight to the effort and talent you bring fourth and this was just one example, glad I had the chance to have a fun experience with this.

I have no updates or changes for this piece as you have presented some solid artwork here it was fantastic as it is


Very unique

So you have some really nice unique design here the characters here like the October and the girl riding him was pretty. Good some very nice element here you have impressed me with this one all this needs is more background detail though

Some added background detail


I like it

So nice work here I really like the art here and you have a nact for some awsome charchter work here that lighting effect was pretty good too you really know how to ad nice effects I would suggest more domminant lighting comming in on the girl

More domminant lighting effects



So some more great characters here this was pretty nice I love the massively good detail like shines and sparkles you have some really good eye for detail anyways nice work here hope to see more from you soon

No ideas or suggestions this time


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