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A very beautiful here the girl is adorble the character work is fantastic and the hanging stars are a nifty idea now as an add on to the stars make some sparkle make some glow brighter and some that are just dimmer, Well thats just a suggestion anyways you do some good work here.

the hanging stars are a nifty idea now as an add on to the stars make some sparkle make some glow brighter and some that are just dimmer


Ryouhiko-Ankuu responds:

Thanks for your review! Definitely too late to edit this exact work since it's way too old, but your suggestion will come in handy in some future works.)

Nice charchter

So some nice charchter here this one was awsome kind of reminds me of Luke from starwars but anyways no changes needed here on this one as it was some solid work you really outdid yourself with this one here

No changes here



Now this one comes with lighting so an idea as soon as I saw this one would be that you could use that yellow lighting to be surrounding the border to form it's own lighting border but your charchter is amazing and you have a fantastic charchter here

A lightning border to relate to the character would be cool



Another great charchter love that she is rocketing or propelling forward that flames or light beam could be more stronger you have great charchter detail and it shows here but anyways keep up the good work

No changes on this one


Bear On A Unicycle Nice

So a Bear On A Unicycle, haha now I have seen it all because this was some pretty nice work here, maybe as an idea you could do a series of these maybe one is this bear maybe another time a clown and so on might make for a good series for some unique characters, your art here was amazing.

maybe as an idea you could do a series of these maybe one is this bear maybe another time a clown



So this was cool, and you have some nice black and white "DETAIL" this is one of those pieces you could ad some color or maybe just parts of it has some color, but overall this was pretty good and a good black and white drawing and sketch, so keep making some fancy sketches.

his is one of those pieces you could ad some color or maybe just parts of it has some color


SquizofrenicCat responds:

Hehe, thanks for the very nice criticism! This is very old so I'm honestly surprised.
I'll be posting some of my tumblr stuff in the future, your feedback on color is actually very useful. I haven't worked on many colored pieces as of late.

Nice Bounce

So here was a nice bounce you have on the "CHARACTERS" rump lol the boince was good, I think as there rumps hit there should be some sort of effect that would relate to a bounce but not sure this was pretty good as is, you have some nice art and the animation is actually notbad at all.

I think as there rumps hit there should be some sort of effect that would relate to a bounce but not sure this was pretty good as is


Another great one

So once again you have created another great charchter here with this one it has some really nice detail and all those light string beans seem like they could be brighter maybe even ad a glow to them anyways nice job

As mentioned above


Another group

And here you have created another fine group this time some witches this group does seem to need much more shine and sparkle about it some really great charchters here though and I was pleased with it

Some added sparkles and shines on the nifty shine points


Nice border

So here I like that the border was more closer to the edge of the canvus piece you really have pushed a nice charchter to come up very well even looks 3-d so this was a nice piece here with this one great work indeed no changes needed on this piece

No changes needed on this one


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