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So this one was pretty good, the "PIXEL" was pretty nifty and it is some amazing pixel you can see the fine details, as for that backround it doesnt match all that well with the pryamid, but I do like the work you are doing here and your pixel art style is really great.

I would change the backround for something more darker.


SiccRicc responds:

I will keep that in mind with my next piece thank you :)

Great action shot

So this one here was pretty nifty a nice action shot in this aspect of things I think the border could be related to the colors of the characters outfit but that's just an idea I know I harp on borders but your borders are nifty just needs a change now and then

As mentioned above



Wow I have to say that this is probably some of your better work you have here the colors are perfect the background is deep in texture and the beers is perfectly posed so really nice work here on this one I look forward to much more from you

No changes it's almost perfect



Now here was another one of your intense charchters the dark outfit reflected well off the borders I still think the borders should have a more thicker hue but it was all good stuff here but anyways keep up the good work

Thicker borders


This one has a wacky element

Haha nice I love how you put all this "VIBRANT" color into these, This entry was confusing a bit but still funny, And no changes onec again here on this fine entry, This comic keeps on going with new stories of adventures for these wild and crazy guys, I love the wacky theme of the characters and it takes them with the story and you cant forget the "HUMOR" that you bring into this aswell, so it was a pleasure to review this fine comic of yours.

no changes onec again here on this fine entry


Another Cool entry

Haha I got a good "LAUGH" with this one the two piles was pretty good, wish you had made this one longer seems like it could have gone a few more frames, This is a long running web-comic and has some really nifty outcomes such as what you have presented here today, You have these stories that ad depth to the characters, the characters have lots of life to theme it all comes together in a nice little web comic and some very amusing endings like this particular one did.

wish you had made this one longer seems like it could have gone a few more frame


Nice work

So a great character here, I love the white hair here Maybe adding some shine on his head reflecting off of the moonlight, this was a nice scene here you have some nice detail here and made nice element of darkness and lighting effects, So really nice work here.

Maybe adding some shine on his head reflecting off of the moonlight


This was interesting

So this was an interesting piece would also make for a good comic piece for "DAVE-AND-CARL", but thats for another time, the art was great all the little details was nice on this and I was pretty impressed with this one, No need for any changes on this one you have made a great madness day entry.

No need for any changes on this one you have made a great madness day entry


Once again entertaining

Is that "BLOOD" not sure but seemed so lol, I really liked how this one turned out the comic is always full of entertainment and crazy antics, Once again you bring us some fun entertainment with some good excitement from start to finish, the characters are always a blast to see what adventure or well "EXECUTED-JOKE" the comic takes them on.

No changes on this fine entry


Simple and fresh

This was some simple and "FRESH" art it also reminded me of the old classic cartoons of the past, the "COLORS" are fresh and this has a nice sleek look about it with some really nice visual point here, maybe as some added effects you could make all the liquid and solutions have a glow to represent some energy to them, a good art piece you have here.

maybe as some added effects you could make all the liquid and solutions have a glow to represent some energy to them


LuchoVolke responds:

Thank you very much! I'm very glad you liked it. It's kinda oldie, but since then I've been polishing this UPA-ish style, adding some texture (in this piece the brushes carry all the texture) and contrast and such.
Again, thankies! :D

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