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So this was kind of interesting I like all the different pieces n this one has some nice art design and random too the color was good in this piece and I was pretty pleased with this hope you keep making more work like this anyways good job

No need for any changes on this one


Wow nice

So this was a nice and artistic charchter you have here with some really good color use here the color brings it full circle I almost feel like the bulb could be light up more and even glowing with a nice shine to it

As mentioned above


More great Sprite

So here was some more great Sprite stuff here very nice detail I'm not familiar with the content here but this was pretty good work and nice shiny detail it was really nice though hope you make more like this sometime soon

More shiny detail of course



I love this piece and to me this is a "BLACK-AND-WHITE" piece here but its charcoal and it really looked awsome the design alone is pretty good and to come out with charcoal is pretty nice so nice detail here, I think as an idea I might suggest adding some slight borders on this piece, anyways keep up the amazing work.

I think as an idea I might suggest adding some slight borders on this piece


Nice battle scene

So this would make for a really nice "BATTLE" I do believe superman would come out on top theres just too much he can do and has been in some super "FIGHTS" really nice artwork here well created to there counterparts, nice backround too, I think you could make a series from this a series of art pieces with different battle scenes of different heros and villins, anyways nice work here.

I think you could make a series from this a series of art pieces with different battle scenes of different heros and villins



Wow such a nice "DESIGN" here the dress itself is very nice love the little details you have added here and you present some nice design work here, even the hat was nice, I would suggest some added backround or something other then white but other then that it was cool, This can be a complex idea but then it is also a simple representation but thats all great and good to see people using the simplistick ideas and turning them into positive outcomes. It truly amazes me to find stuff as good as this, these are different in there own way and have a style of there own and they bring all sorts of different elements. So thank you for putting the time into art stuff like this one here.

I would suggest some added backround or something other then white but other then that it was cool


Wow nice

So really nice work here From the "THUMBNAIL" this didnt look like a crab but as I clicked on the image it really is a nice and well designed crab you have here so this was cool, love the "RED-ELEMENT" would love for that sun to have more of a beating beam of heat and light on the crab, anyways some nice work here.

would love for that sun to have more of a beating beam of heat and light on the crab


Nice creature

Wow Im pretty impressed with the creature design here, the "BACKROUND" was a tad bland and could use some small detail back there, but the creature itself is amazing and showcases some nice detail, and I would say those red light points could use more of a glow and "LIGHTING-EFFECT", other then all that mentioned this was a pretty nifty design here.

I would say those red light points could use more of a glow and lighting effect, the backround was a tad bland and could use some small detail back there.


A cute piece

So I found this to be a "CUTE" drawing here the art is amazing very nice colors and theres a small scene here with the falling leaves to make it a real moment, the character is beautiful and I enjoy this view shot because you dont see much view points like that, so nice work here.

Didnt find anything that really needs any changes to be honest.


Nice idea here

So this was a nice idea here with the group of characters all playing the "GAME" it seemed to have some nice details and dark elements of zoning into the game, Well here is the Extended review, And I just wanted to say you have some good Desire and are Accustomed to detail and artistic styles like this one, So in this Overview you Appropriately Polished some nice points here and gave it some nice Exhilaration so Kudo's to you on A thrilling piece here allthough I will end this review shortly, I do however want to say this was like a thrilling adventure into a fun and unique world of imagination.

Really no need for changes on an art piece such as this one as you really presented it well with some nice detail and you are talented enogh to where you dont need added tips from me so nice job on this one and no changes needed here.


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