
17,993 Art Reviews

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This was pretty cool

I love the "INVADED" as it has some nice cracks in it, also I think some added cracks on that would be pretty good if you ask me, maybe even a light beam behind the wording to show off more celebration of the invasion, but overall you have some nice work here so keep it up.

I think some added cracks on the wording, that would be pretty good if you ask me, maybe even a light beam behind the wording to show off more celebration of the invasion


So this was cute

So this was something funny and cute great characters as always and never bad to have a handbook this one was sort of like a comic, and maybe you should put your characters in some form of web comic or something, anyways nice work here really good stuff here.

this one was sort of like a comic, and maybe you should put your characters in some form of web comic or something



So this was some nice work here cant go wrong with the "ALIEN" and the kid, this one was pretty good, great fresh looking art and was funny this is something you could make an online comic with, already some popular characters and such, anyways nice work here make more great art soon.

this is something you could make an online comic with


Awsome character

So here was an awsome "LOOKING" character you have, great pose and all that lightning is nice now for me I think you could have added more lightning in the distance and also have more glow to the lightning, this was pretty good artwork though and a great character here.

for me I think you could have added more lightning in the distance and also have more glow to the lightning


Cute charchter here

And once again you have created a nice and cute charchter here with some nice design here some really nice pose as she is laying down some added background would really be nice here

Some background details


Really cool

The reason I "ENJOY" your artwork is because you make and create different things, the flyfish is beautiful a very pleasent view point here on the fly fish, seems like the backround could use more to it maybe some other flyfish in the far distance or something, but this review is comming to an end so keep up the brilliant work.

seems like the backround could use more to it maybe some other flyfish in the far distance or something



So this was nice and "CUTE" The character is really cute and subtle the "MOLDED" backround is pretty nifty but seems like that backround needs more depth more detail and more elements that create an envirment, anyways really nice work here and cute and adorble as always.

backround needs more depth more detail and more elements that create an envirment


Very nice work here

A great character you have "CREATED" here with this one, I found it to be pretty "AMAZING" and congrats on the frontpage, but anyways the lighting behind the characters could have more of a domminant brightness to it, anyways you do some good work here very nice here.

the lighting behind the characters could have more of a domminant brightness to it


cecil1107 responds:

thank you so much!


So this one here was pretty cute, I love the "PINK-AND-PURPLE" colors going on here and all there little gold elements I think all the gold points like the crown and star on the band could have a more domminant shine and sparkle to them, great work here its pretty impressive.

I think all the gold points like the crown and star on the band could have a more domminant shine and sparkle to them



So you have a nice creation here and it was "ADORBLE" very cute "SIMPLISTIC" in color and just a nice and refreshing piece of art here, seems like this particular piece could use a realeted border or frame based on the content of the character, it was a nice art piece though.

This particular piece could use a realeted border or frame based on the content of the character


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