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haha Well cant say the "JOKE" was the best but it was funny, some nice added color would be nice here, And here we are with another fantastic episode on the art portal with this particular one you bring out some nice details in humor and the characters designs are fantastic as always I have come to enjoy this comic series its a great idea great character and you put some decent energy into it and thats what I have come to love about it all, so keep doing what you do and make many many more of these, they are fantastic.

some nice added color would be nice here


This was fun

So this was a fun little poster you did and the idea of starwars parody was pretty awsome I like the detail in this the frame work seemed bland and could use some added style in there but the character work was amazing love the poses just like in the hope one from starwars so you did pretty good here with the parody and detail onlything I would change would be some added design in the white borders / frames anyways nice work

More depth and textuture design in the white frame borders


Another fine piece

So here was a nother fine piece I love that you have a huge emerald in this one it was pretty nice looking but I do think some added sparkle comming off the edge would be a real plus on this one all the whole scene has lots of color and nice elements some really nice work here very nifty piece you have created here so really nice job and hope you make more soon anyways untill next time

Some added sparkle and shine to the large emerald



So this was pretty cool here I was excited to see the animation in this it is pretty decent the large green gem or emerald was a nice touch you should have had it sparkle with some small animation as you should have some of the other tidbits of items and such just something to think about overall you have made some really nice work some nice details and a smooth flow of animation I enjoyed it all so nice work here

More sparkle on the emerald and other points in the scene


Very amazing

Now I love this one for a fee reasons but have to say you have outdone yourself here with this piece you have a nice black and white style and the shades are pretty fantastic so really nice work here I think some added border or fancy frame would do really well with this piece here you do some nice stuff though so adding frames and even in color might focus on the main piece more just an idea to think on even without it your work is awesome

Maybe a colored frame or fancy stylish border


Pretty amazing

So this was pretty good here I like the style you have here you have some nice art. The animation with the candles you really made it flicker with a lightning source here and I was pretty impressed with the outcome I do think if you made the background more darker and light up the candles even more might showcase the vibrant candles even more but this was a nice graphics and art scene you have here so really nice work here

Some darker backround and some more flicker of the candle


And another fun one

And once again you have created a really nice comic style here I'm pretty impressed with the outcome of it all I love the close up elements too really nice comic style here so nice job hope to see much more of these anyways cool stuff

Great comic style doesn't need changes


Really deep art

So this was some really deep art you have here and you have prepared it all on paper and pen and even for an inktober it came off well the small fine detail like the plants was intense here with some really nice work overall so nice detail and I wouldn't think of changing a thing here this was some very talented work so from my point of view this was just fantastic and very artistic aswell

As mentioned I wouldn't change it


Love the texture

So you have some really nice texture in this one that pose is just perfect and the splatter of all the blood was really nice I do think adding some of that splatter on the edges and forming it like a border if some type would be a pretty good idea and maybe make the visual complete just an idea to think about though you have some nice talent on this piece so keep that going good

Some type of blood splatter border



So here was a nice charchter in the water a well designed charchter the water was nice but I believe more energy needs to be put into the matter like bubbles more sparkly effects that water gives off and more wave like feel of the water but everything else is pretty good here with some nice visual effects here and I for sure want to see what else you have next in store for your next project

A few water additional effects would be nice


PaddleTone responds:

Yea, I've definitely improved on my design of water since this artwork.

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