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Haha nice

And another true fact these are pretty good not just the art but because there are like long memes lol you make them funny and amusing I just wish these were much longer you have some nice humor based ideas in these short comic based elements

Make more they are great



Yes indeed they are open but your art piece here and all the different frames you showcase here in this one are pretty amazing love the deep textures and color and the outcome was fun so make more and for sure make these longer

Well as mentioned make them longer



So here was some cute and adorable charchter the fresh colors on this do well and it's a refreshing balance of color and adorble charchter design really no need for any changes on this one with some nice elements already here

I couldn't find anything that really needs changing this time


Intense scene

Wow this one here was a nifty scene very "INTENSE" like some story has taken place I love the "SKELLY" I think some extra glows and shine could happen in this piece like more shine on the skull and other little points throughout the piece, anyways very nice work you have here.

I think some extra glows and shine could happen in this piece like more shine on the skull and other little points throughout the piece


Very nice

So this was really nice here, that gem in her belly you could have it sparkle a little bit more same might go for the backround glass or backing the charchers were amazing though, hope to see more work from you, I really enjoyed this piece here.

that gem in her belly you could have it sparkle a little bit more same might go for the backround glass or backing


I love it

So I really enjoy these "FUTURISTIC" pieces like this one and you did so well in making it realistic, I wouldnt mind some more light up lighting on some aspects of it to give off that glow effect, There is some nice Flair about this one, You have shown lots of talent here and shown us the effort and detail that can be done in pieces like this, you bring an interesting style to the table. This was an Engaging piece And glad I had the chance to review this. And Finally A refreshing piece that shows the style and talent, meaning you outdid yourself here with a brillint piece of art and designm very good stuff here. and so thats my Extended Overview of this review and content.

I wouldnt mind some more light up lighting on some aspects of it to give off that glow effect


Its a trap

Haha cant go wrong with "ACKBAR" lol this is a great piece and really think you should expand on this maybe making a series of these with more themes with ackbar and different amusing moments of backrounds, but thats my take on it, you have some nice art detail here.

you should expand on this maybe making a series of these with more themes with ackbar and different amusing moments of backrounds


Awsome character

Wow the character is awsome so is all the "CHAIN" and spike ball, Maybe as a small tip here ad much more shine and sparkle on that chain and ball, it would be a nice touch up here, And so I start off this review and I have to say This piece was alot better then I thought, But again this was a pretty good art piece has a somewhat artistic value to it and thats one of the reasons why I was drawn to this, so nice work indeed with this piece you have here. Alright so nice work done here adding more to it would be great but as it is now its pretty good and honestly its very smooth looking

Maybe as a small tip here ad much more shine and sparkle on that chain and ball, it would be a nice touch up here


I really love all the color

Very nice work here, I really love all the "COLOR" and all the shy guys what a beautiful piece, maybe you should make more themes like this with all the color and other popular characters, So we have somethng good here I like how tis all came together, you have the skills here and it shows in this piece here, there are some things, I thought you could work on, but thats for later discussion. you have some good Insight on the art world so nice efforts here. A nice piece you have here and must have taken you some good amount of time to put it all together its that kind of effort that I have really come to enjoy.

maybe you should make more themes like this with all the color and other popular characters



So this was a cool piece the "VIEW-SCREEN" was a tad bit small, the character was nice though and I like all the "BLOOD" you should make more blood more spread out everywhere even in the backround, and have the battle cry wording in color, besides that this was cool.

you should make more blood more spread out everywhere even in the backround, and have the battle cry wording in color


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