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Beautiful design

So first off the tattoo was intense the arm that you created here was even more intense I would suggest more shine at the top of the arm but not by much still pretty good work though love the tattoo art very nice detail

Just some shine or more shine at top of arm



Alright so this was a cool piece you have here the game system was a nice touch along with the screen not sure what was going on with her leg there but looked odd but this was a cool art piece here good stuff keep it up

Other then the leg here no changes needed


Wow nice

Now when I was younger I use to read the spider girl comic the daughter of Spidey and Mary Jane I'm sure they have tons more varians of those now but that's what your beautiful art reminds me of the suit here was pretty amazing and we'll detailed I really liked the work here very good texture and deep color so nice job on this one you should make more stuff like this I would suggest a border and make it like a showcase piece

Some fancy border to showcase the work better


Really good stuff here

Wow when I first saw this I was like wow beautiful style here she has the perfect pose going on here love the tip of the hat moment that hat was great you should ad a nice sparkle at the top of the hat just to show off some of that beautiful shine you already have going on other then all that you do some really nice work here so make more great designs and characters just as you have done here

A sparkle on the hat


Very nice scene

This was a dark scene here reminds me of a dark show I just watched but you presented some nice elements here love the candles I do think you should make the candles with more of a radiant glow surrounding them other then that this was really good and shows off a scary element in this piece and I was pretty impressed with the whole dark piece here really amazing work you do

Some more light up candles and more glow surrounding them


Beautiful piece

So this was a beautiful piece here the details of this creature is amazing work with some very nice visual here I do think some added signing effects and shine on it's snake like body would show more of the detail on your character here really nice detail though other then that I have no need to change anything on this piece as you have made some fun pieces of art especially this spectacular charchter creature design here so keep making great pieces here I love the darkness but still needs more lighting to it

Some added lighting effects and shine



So this was pretty good I thought the green explosion beams are nice but seems like it needs much more vibrant hlowing beams if explosive visual here you did pretty good for the most part though and I really liked this just needs a bit more to it so really nice job here

More glow more neon beams


Nice time loops

Haha this one takes me back the art is awesome here some really nice work some nice humor added to this one too you have outdone yourself once again beautiful piece here so nice work indeed hope to see many more by you

Just make more



A good charchter here really nice work I love the white background on this one seems like with the white background you could have some streaks of light streaking the character was pretty good but anyways really nice work here

Some streaks of lighting in the background



So this was a nice piece here I love that it's a big thing of flowers the texture is pretty deep on this piece you really made it flourish with the visual here and the character face in the middle was a nice touch you have some nice ideas here I would ad some shine and sparkle here maybe to represent some sparkly flowers but regardless this was pretty good work you have here so nice job on this one

Some added shine to the flowers


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