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Another cool piece

So here was another cool piece here, the "CHARACTER" is very welldone its another one of those pieces where you could spice up the backround a tad maybe a few props or design would be a cool idea, but regardless this was kind of cool, keep making great character work such as this one.

No changes here maybe some backround detail.


Nifty Piece

So this was a nifty piece here I like the lion and the robot I am un familuar with the characters but they look pretty good some really nice character work here, the backround could be filled with something as just an idea, you do have some nice work here.

the backround could be filled with something


That was nice

So this was a nice piece, that device she is holding not sure what it is but I could see you adding a sparkle on the end to show some shine, other then that you have done some amazing work here, really nice older style but still some amazing work here nice job.

Some added shine to the device in hand.



Well this was an adorble piece herem I have seen that game but not played it but it was still pretty cute what you have created here, love what you did here with the "EYES" you have some nice talents ever thaught about adding a brown related border on this piece? might work well, good stuff here.

you have some nice talents ever thaught about adding a brown related border on this piece? might work well



Well this was an adorble little grouped character I like the different colors used here seems like you could have added some of that same color detail in the backround, and the green glasses seem like they could have a sort of shine about them, nice work regardless though.

seems like you could have added some of that same color detail in the backround, and the green glasses seem like they could have a sort of shine



Well this was notbad, I like the pose here it almost seems like she is riding something just cant place it, but its pretty good visual here, and love the backround too, nice facial expression aswell, I have no need for suggesting any ideas as you have done pretty well on this piece, anyways nice work.

I have no need for suggesting any ideas as you have done pretty well on this piece


Nice poses

You sure do know how to put the poses together well like the crossed legs and such I love the color you added to this one it was pretty interesting some really nice detail here and I like your nice styles and different styles

Not sure you do such good work you don't need any


Triple-Stabber responds:

Thxxies, I was not sure on how the cross legs looked. So, delighted that someone says it looks aight ♥

Very nice

Another good charchter here I like the shades on this one you have some nice detail here too and I like the title and the name of this charracter so that was a nice job here you have some interesting ideas here

Again no changes needed


Triple-Stabber responds:

Thxx, great that you liked it. This Humanized thing is a so so happening, I juat post it whenever I think of something cool. Also thx for the idea compliment ♥


And here we are with a kiss this was cute the bodies are well portionate the background was pretty good these are some interesting drawings you have and some even better charchters here anyways keep up the good work

No changes at this time


Triple-Stabber responds:

Yeyy, I have gud bodies. Tbh I see this drawing as old and I have better body drawings now. And yeah I'll continue drawing definitely ♥

A cool art piece

So this was cool, you have a nice detail of "COLOR" here and I really like the dark uses of color here the character itself is really nice and welldone, I think some added effects on this would be cool maybe some shines and sparkles maybe some deeper shading and whatnot, nice work here.

some added sparkles and shines some extra shades and such.


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