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Very nice

These character look fresh and you have created some nice characters here do wish there was more backround to this though, You have something of good quality here, This was kind of Majestic and you bring some Diverse visuals, Great stuff here and nice style of art work here, its these kinds of pieces that really draw my attention and glad I came across this one

More backround detail here


AllyRat responds:

Thanks for such a detailed comment! I'm glad you like it and thought to left such kind words here! The little background was a bit of an afterthought, inspired by the title card at the end of the op for the dirty pair anime, where it shows their silhouettes over a space background so it is a bit empty ^ v ^''

I do have some more background heavy illustrations in my gallery if you're interested :D Again thank-you very much


So this was some "FRESH" looking art, I like the subtle colors in this one, It might have more of a nice effect with some fancy borders or frames on the edges, So that topps it off so as i do come to an almost close here, I will say keep up what you are doing because its a fun experience to see what you are presenting here, so nice job all around. but anyways keep up the nifty designs and nifty effort.

It might have more of a nice effect with some fancy borders or frames on the edges


Beautiful design

Very nice characters love that sparkle you should ad more of the sparkles its a nice touch, Quite enjoyable thats the words I would use to describe this piece, Its always great when your goal is met and seems like thats what you have done here, Not the most prefect of pieces but still found its place here in the portal. But anyways a good find here in the portal, and you keep this kind of work going its all a big plus.

more nifty sparkles would be cool.


Wow nice

This is one piece you need no changes what so ever, your style is amazing, at first it did look like "TRUMP" lol anyways nice character, A top notch piece of art if you ask me, a very well done piece of art, So keep up the fantastic art style and keep sharing with us your beautiful talent, I will for sure look forward to even more, because this is some nice work, but anyways before I go Just wanted to say I really enjoyed reviewing your work here.

As mentioned no changes needed here



So this was pretty "COOL" I like the flipping boards or "MAGIC-ELEMENTS", seems like there could have been slightly more animation and some "ADDED-EFFECTS" to make it more sparkle and such, but as it is now you have some nice character work here and a beautiful sight.

seems like there could have been slightly more animation and some added effects to make it more sparkle


Beautiful sight

This was a beautiful sight here, you have some "AMAZING-DETAIL" I did think some of the lighting could have more of a sparkle and "GLOW-ABOUT-THEM", I think this is creative for blending the styles of art and design, there is a lot in here This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent at the idea and concept of this entry, A very acurate idea and design creation so your talent flows very well and love your ideas and think you will bring us even more in the days of tomarow, but anyways nice job here.

I did think some of the lighting could have more of a sparkle and glow about them


carlomontie responds:

Thanks for the constructive feedback! I was really struggling with the lighting and stuff. I was trying to get a little bit of a bokeh effect, but I don't think I'm experienced enough to pull it off. I'll practice at making backgrounds in the future! Thanks again. :)

Cute kat

A cute "KAT" here lol, no but this was really nice you did some nice work on the shine here great looking character and a nice form you have here, I would suggest some added detail on the backround though, maybe some backdrop scene maybe just a prop or two, but the main focus of the character is pretty amazing.

Some small detail in the backroud as mentioned.


Really nice

Wow I love this its some type of nifty creature or even "ALIEN" and that backround just pure amazing, Some added lighting effects from behind the character might ad a little to this, So this was a nice submission into the portal, You know, I think this is a nice and creative piece, I like the simplicity in this aswell as the detail that you presented, The design itself is intriguing and brings a style of its very own. and even seducing in its own unique way and when I say seducing I mean its own style of creativeness, and hope you keep making stuff like that.

some added lighting effects would be cool.


Very nice work here

I love the characters here and that lighting effect is pretty awsome too I would suggest making that lighting come up even farther and even ad a glow would be a nice touch up on this, Blending some nice fusions here was great and thats what I get from this piece, you have a positive style that blends a simple design and brings some positice artistic value thats the kind of style I hope to achieve one day but for now I get to review this fine work here, So there was some good details in this one and it really shows off your talent and detail here, I was highly impressed with the visuals here.

More dominant lighting rising up.


Very nice

So this was a very nice piece of art here, seems like you have "ALOT" going on with backround and elements surrounding it, seems too cluttered at times, but What I do see is a well designed girl here in art form and came off very well so really nice work here and I do enjoy the visual here too.

Lots going on here maybe too much.


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