
17,993 Art Reviews

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A cute one

So lets get this critique started This right off the bat was a cute one with the cat like element and love what you did with the backround, So I got some good pleasure from this piece and its not everyday you get to see these kinds of talents so nice work to get this out there but still would like to see more of your work real soon and I hope to review it aswell.


Really nice character

So this was a nice character design you have here I like the darkness of it all and even added a somewhat frame great detail all around in this one you did some nice work indeed and it shows, but anyways keep making great designs such as this piece

none needed


Love the shine

So I love your black and white designs and drawings but what I love most about your work is that you really make it shine with just the black and white so awsome job indeed, maybe this one could have some borders, anyways keep up the great work I want to see more.

Some sort of borders


Delightful and cute

The cute character is delightful and the flow of animation just flows on through I like the mixture of the formation and animation a beautiful art into animation and you cant go wrong with that, This was a delightful piece with all sorts of elements about it. so with this one we start out with the little things that make this work, and its those little things that keep me interested. you have for sure sinisterly caught my attention but as always you tend to bring on the best of arts and animation keep doing what you do and enjoy, It was a pleasure.


Luis responds:

Thank you for your feedback X

The color

This one is cute with color and cute characters also adding the pixel was a nice touch, First off the color here is just amazing with some nice details and the color just jumps out at you with a vibrant feel and visual so really nice efforts and detail in this art piece here I really like your work of art here on this submission so keep it up.



She is jammin to the music and guitar and you made it look like she is so, a good detail of an action scene great looking character as you make it come alive, This piece here seems to tell a story and make you want to really dwell into that story I do enjoy this style well thats my overview of this particular piece but before I go keep creationg with the imagination. I will look for more of your stuff to come through the portal in the near future its some brilliant designs and creations.


Element of color

A beautiful cover well made and the element of color is alive here great looking character too the color just jumps out at you with a vibrant feel with a vibrant visual and gives off a nice vibe A nice vibe and thats what I enjoy about colored pieces like this You bring on a nice element of color As mentioned the color element is amazing I really like your work of art here on this submission love the color most of all.


Color element is amazing

As in my title this is amazing I especially love the two cute characters As mentioned the color element is amazing, just something about how you bring it all together and make it vibrant with flavour, keep doing what you do as it is some nice talent of art, anyways a nice submission love your efforts here hope to see more.



Wow I have to say this was a beautiful piece of art the rabbit then trancends into other visual beauty this here was a nice piece of work and was glad I could check this one out, I have seen a lot of art in my time here, but I have not seen art as different and or interesting as this one, And its stuff like this one that keeps me enjoying reviewing these types.

The backround even comes in with a blended structure that jumps out at you with so much detail and creativity and really enjoyed your work here, This is one of those pieces that just jumps out at me so I have added it to my faves list, here was a pleasure of a viewing, and while this review is ending soon, it was still a pleasure of your art piece so nice effort here So keep on doing what you do cause its nice stuff indeed and has been a pleasure to review.


Color element

The creativity is nice here you even created an action scene with some amazing color You bring on a nice element of color and just seem to make it work so nice job indeed, I really like your work of art here on this submission love the color here with a vibrant visual, not much more to say other then keep bringing out beautiful designs like this.


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