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Very nice

So I like this piece here, very good drawing something seems off about that stretched out arm not sure if its too long or too short but its a nice character design here some really nice detail with the "TATOOS" are a nice touch, love the backround detail aswell, anyways nice work indeed.

something seems off about that stretched out arm not sure if its too long or too short


VirLux responds:

Thank you so much, I appreciate the creative criticism, there's always room for improvement. Anatomy is a bitch!

Wow nice

Wow so much "WARIOS" this is an amazing piece of some beautiful "COLOR" you should do more themed ones like this, These types of submissions really bring new insight to the style and craft. anyways keep up the good work. it was an interesting piece of art, could use some touch ups here and there and was overall pleased with the outcome

you should do more themed ones like this



Wow you really did something "NICE" here the "TOAD-BRIGADE" is really cute and nifty looking the sprite / pixel is amazing love the added details maybe one more added detail of some shine and sparkle, This was a good art piece, these types can be hard to review and stuff but have suggested a few ideas to improve on it, and if not just keep trying new stuff and see what works, but with that said this was pretty good I thought.

love the added details maybe one more added detail of some shine and sparkle


MichaFrario responds:

I would definitely improve this if I were to redo do it after 2 years. Thanks for those nice comments dude!

Nice drawing

So once again you have some nice drawing and I live the black and white style here the details within this are really nice you have some good creativity with this I do like your style of drawing these as they we're pretty nice

None with this one


Wow intense

Wow this was some very intense work you have here I like the style you have going on here I love how dark and detailed this is so nice job on the wounds and cuts maybe some dripping blood would have been pretty good but really nice detail I really love the dark element on this and the character and the heads look so real so nice job here hope to see more from you soon

More blood maybe dripping


Really nice

So this was a really nice piece of work here and some good detail I like the big rock and the lighting effects in the background don't think there is much needed about this in the changing aspect but it's a finished project but still I would like to say it was a really nice art design of tankmen elements so really nice work I do look forward to to your next big project anyways untill then keep it real

No changes needed nothing major anyways


Wow nice

so this is a very elegant work of art here and a good charchter I love how the colors flow and blend into one another the two swords are nice and think adding a shine on the blades would only be a plus even adding some background elements to the environment world at hand would be another nice touch up this was pretty good work regardless this was a nice art piece and glad I had the chance to review it so nice work

Well as mentioned some shine on the blades and more detail to the world it's from con. The background


Very talented

So this one was very nice and shows off some nice talent here I like the work you do you bring on some good quality as well with some nice detail and a beautiful sense of textuture very good visual portrait here and really has a nice element of beautiful design here so really nice job on this one and really do hope you show much of your work on here it's been a pleasure to review your stuff

Maybe throw a frame on this to showcase a gallery like portrait about it


Haha nice

So this was another nice piece of beautiful artwork here you do some nice detail on this one the look on Mario and Luigi is classic at least I think that's them lol anyways nice job

Make more Mario themed ones like this one


Very nice

Wow this one was vibrant in color and the character has some nice structure here I really like the style on this one and love the red hair the shine was pretty good very nice drawing here once again keep making these beautiful designs I look forward to reviewing more of your drawings

Nice drawing again no suggested ideas because this is pretty good art here


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