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So this was some nice work here I am liking this "PURPLE" element here the blade is nice would love to see some more shine there but overall you have some nice work here, great looking character here, really nice and detailed work I am pretty impressed with this one.

Some added shine on the blade.



This was "COOL" I like the animation here makes it a good sprite pixel style maybe some added sparkle on the rotating gun piece, but you do have a nice piece of pixel sprite here I like it and love the animation on this one, so anyways keep up the good work as always.

some added sparkle on the rotating gun piece



So the pixel in this one was pretty good, love the "ZELDA-THEME" very fresh looking here some really nice artwork here on this one you have a nice talent on the fine detail of this, it was a nice visual here, Dont see a need for any changes on this piece great work and great detail

Dont see a need for any changes on this piece



So this was cool, I almost feel like you could ad a more glow effect comming off of the games maybe even more sparkle, but the design itself was pretty nifty and you have some good design here with some nice use of color too, very nice work indeed, I look forward to more of this style.

Some added sparkles and even possbly more glow if your inclined to do so.


Ruedefaux responds:

thanks a lot for the feedback :D


So this was a cute and "FURRY" creature she has a nice little smirk there too very nice "POSE" on this one aswell you have done pretty good here on this one, I like the linework here on this one, the backrounds were decent maybe subtle effect but some added color in the backround would be a plus too, anyways nice job.

the backrounds were decent maybe subtle effect but some added color in the backround would be a plus too


Really nice work

I love this for the gonzo detail character and the backround shaded piece very nice stuff here, no changes needed, you really have some good ideas here. And I do hope you can make some of the ideas work to your advantage but if not I get it this is still good as it is so props to you for a job well done

no changes needed


Very nice

So this was really nice I "ESPECIALLY" love the sparkles but I would make them sparkle even brighter, but besides that this was pretty good work you have here, Keep up the awsome work this was a great drawing nice effort shown some decent detail, and was glad I had a chance to review this very nice indeed, hope to checkout more of your work soon. but anyways keep up the great efforts and nice work you put out I enjoy stuff like this

love the sparkles but I would make them sparkle even brighter


Great character

And here we are with another nice character here, love the "CARTOON-LIKE" element here really nice design on it all you have really impressed me with the energy you put into something like this, as for changes I really dont know its solid work and I thaught it was fine as is, but do keep up the amazing work.

Well as mentioned this was fine as is.


Very detailed

So this was a "UNIQUE" piece of work here, I do think if you added some extra shine, sparkle, and shine on some of the small details it would make it even more of a nice visual here, you have some nice creations of characters though really some fantastic design shere.

if you added some extra shine, sparkle, and shine on some of the small details it would make it even more of a nice visual


Beautiful color

You have some "BEAUTIFUL" color here the "LIGHTS" were a nice touch here, you really have some nice detail maybe some of the lights should have more sparkle then others, even some sparkle in the backround, but regardless of all that you have a great character and a nice christmas element here.

Sparkle up the lighst just a tad atleast some.


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