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So this was pretty cute and you even got front page very cute wish there was more backround detail but your intent here was very nice simplistic and cute love the cuteness of the bird here you have done a fantastic job on this bird here I was very impressed here with this work, and hope you make more like this.

No changes needed it was fantastic



so there was a lot of cuteness of this all I like the subtle color and there is just something about the freshness of the color that makes this such a delighted piece, maybe some added texture in the yellowish backround or even more detail back there but overall this was a nice art piece as a whole very nice work, anyways hope to see more soon.

maybe some added texture in the yellowish backround or even more detail back there


ChutneyGlaze responds:

hells yeah, i love your reviews!


Well this has an interesting backround here, Not sure what I would change or ad to it so for now I have no suggestions or ideas, its a nice quality piece, The word “GUNS” is somewhat hidden in the background of "THE-IMAGE" matching with the actual guns, and joined splattered/specks of what seems like blood, Furthermore on the television screen is a "SKULL-AND-CROSS-BONES" matching the many other symbols of death, The television could "REPRESENT" the media and a subliminal message of our priorities being improperly organized as a collective, What appears to be an uncomplicated image could be a critique of society harboring a powerful message.

Not sure what I would change or ad to it so for now I have no suggestions or ideas, its a nice quality piece


I like

this and like the "LIGHTING" effects that come with this aswell, some added sparkle and even more dominant lighting effects would really come through on this as a nice touch up, 3D realistic shapes present the "SOLE-SOURCE" of light is stationed at the very center of the image, Though its beams seem to spread out and reach every "ONE-OF-THE-OBJECTS" visible, The colors are equally dark save for the "BACKROUND-LIGHT" which complements the rest of the image’s darkness very visually appealing.

More dominant lighting effects as mentioned.


Very Nifty Comic

Notbad some backround details would be nice maybe even some added color, Well this was a nifty looking comic you have here, all the frame work seems to come together very well, and you made some nice artwork with this comic I have really come to enjoy how "THIS-COMIC-EVOLVES-FROM-THE-FIRST-FRAME" to the last one so really nice work here.

some backround details would be nice maybe even some added color


This was cool

Seems like you did fantastic with the character design here, for me some added backround would be nice maybe some sunlight even using the sunlight to reflect off the armor and such, thats just me rambling on but you have some amazing line work and nice detail here.

some added effects like some sunlight


A cute little character

So this was a cute little character you have here love the purplish backround love the refreshing look of the character here, very nice indeed, I cant find anything that needs any changes this was a fantastic piece of art, anyways keep up the good work and make more.

I cant find anything that needs any changes this was a fantastic piece of art



So this was pretty good work you have here, I really like what you have done with the backround here some amazing art and the character itself was pretty nice I think adding some borders and frames on this the same accent as the backround would be a nice reflection of eachother, anyways great stuff here.

I think adding some borders and frames on this the same accent as the backround would be a nice reflection of eachother


DoktorNo responds:

Thank you for the suggestion, but I think that would make the background a way too busy for the eye so I'll let it as it is now.

The biggest issue is the lightning it feels too bright and flat.

Wow amazing

Wow this is some amazing work I love the green element here i like all the frogs atleast I think they are all frogs very nice backround here I would even suggest some sparkle and shine in the backround, but regardless this was pretty good artwork and great unique characters

I would even suggest some sparkle and shine in the backround


Ruedefaux responds:

yes they are frogs XD

thank you :D i think i can agree on some extra sparkle and shine.


So this was awsome and you cant go wrong with transformers and my little pony, the effects on this are very impressive, No changes here you have some very impressive work, I really enjoy some art and great visuals and you present something more then just that but something unique and thats what will keep me and others always comming back to pieces like this.

No changes here you have some very impressive work


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