
17,993 Art Reviews

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Really nice

This was something unique here I love the creation you have here, Some added shine like on the little ship in the backround maybe even have some of the stars in the backround flicker and shine, but anyways a nice and artistic piece here very nice artwork here.

some added effects like sparkle and shine.



So this was pretty nice, I like the art style and good character design, and some great form of the character love the props like the coffee and phone maybe some added shine and glare like on the phone, beyond all that mentiond I do want to say this was pretty good stuff

Maybe some added glare and shine.



So here was a nice and adorble piece theres a lot going on in this piece, there was some really nice lighting effects so I was pretty impressed with this art piece a great christmas element you have here and I do look forward to even more from you so nice job.

No major changes with this one.


Wow nice

So this was pretty good work here the art itself was amazing and the animation made this so much better the deep colors and fresh art style really made a differeance and made for a nice artistic element so I was pretty impressed with the art style here on this one.

Make more of these refreshing art pieces.


Great variaty

Some nice mixture of all your artwork from 2018 your art is pretty amazing and you show off some amazing work here love the deep textures and love the use of color this was a nice showcase maybe some added color to the borders or something like that, anyways nice work here.

this was a nice showcase maybe some added color to the borders or something like that


Beautiful design

Wow that is a full charchter with a beautiful design really nice work love all the fine details here like the chain and wings and little stuff you should put some shine and sparkle on some of the small details and even put some background detail maybe a backdrop scene maybe a different color designed backround even anyways this was a beautiful piece of work here very well made and hope to see more like this from you

A few suggestions made above



Wow now that is some intense color here very vibrant and a really beautiful design here with all the characters coming alive with the bright fresh color use I love the whole design here but most of all that color is really amazing stuff so really awesome job only thing I might suggest might be added some frame work or borders to accent all that beautiful color you have going on here

Some colored frames and or borders to accent all the color



Now this was some deeply intense stuff here that texture is very deep and really meshea well with all the colortones and even deeper details all seems to come together here that toungue just amazingly well done and the background notbad at all could use more depth more strips and borders but overall this was really nice work I was very impressed with this whole piece so nice work indeed

Some more background strips and borders


SmokeryDots responds:

This is some very old stuff. Aprox. 8-9years old. So there is room for some improvement. But I am glad you like it :-)

Oh wow

And here is the full finished product here I am loving the background work here with some deep elements the flying bird was a nice touch and the yellowish background really played a nice role here so not only is your charchter work amazing but so is your background detail so do keep that aspect of things going strong this was a nice piece of art make more soon anyways I do look forward to even more from you

Make more beautiful work such as this one



So this was an intense piece here and I like the variety of art pieces you have shown here some really nice artwork on this one the detail is just under real very raw detail some very deep elements of texture so nice charchter work here and love the action pose you put on this one the linework is amazing I think you should invest in doing more of these as they are pretty good work and have a certain flavour about them

Make more of these


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