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So this was pretty good its like some sci-fi visual here of some odd creatures and such, love the effects you have going on here, and the shine effects are magnificent very nice indeed, I have no suggestions for change on this one its a beautiful piece of art.

No changes


Really nice

So im not too familuar with this Rockisim character but he seems pretty popular this art piece here there was some nice glows and sparkles really nice work indeed, I hope you make more of this character in the future, anyways keep up the amazing work.

Make more soon.



So this was really a popular piece, I love all the details and glow effects I think some added high tech border types with some added glow would be really nice, love the Ambition that rolls off of this one. You bring a lot to the canvus here with a unique and nifty style of creation, I cant say anymore then I already have

I think some added high tech border types with some added glow would be really nice



wow this piece has a good buzz about it, you have some nice work here on this one, the art itself is a beautiful sight I have no suggestions for this piece its a solid piece of work, you really show off the detail here the detail does speak out to you, the detail is amazing in this piece, and thats what really catchs my eye.

I have no suggestions for this piece its a solid piece of work


Great character

A nice and great character here love the refreshing expression on his face the backround was actually notbad and has a nice element about this one, as for any changes I dont think any changes are needed as this was really nice work and some talented work If I do say so myself.

Some nice work no need for any changes.


Nice work here

I am enjoying the purplish here, there is a lot of detail here the color is very vibrant here and you I love the detail you have here most of all as this was just a very nice and vibrant piece, great character here you have some nice talent and hope you make many more great stuff.

No changes with this piece it was a solid piece of art.


Cute character

Well here was a delightful character if I do say so myself, you have some amazing detail in this one and the artistic value is high on this one I do wish you did more with the backround maybe some props and detail would be nice, So with this piece it kept me wanting more for its interesting design, but anyways this was Entirely honest of me and I love your work here

I do wish you did more with the backround maybe some props and detail would be nice


carnivate responds:

Thx, i mostly focus im character design and ideas, i dont have a big "scene" im mind when i present a cahracter, but i will try to add a bit more envoriemnt somehow and pratice more background stuff, thx for the feedback :)


so I like the retro feel here and you did well on that aspect of things, the deep style of talent really shows off well with this one, This one is in the Spotlight as you bring in some Energetic flavour to the scene, there are some bland areas that can be worked on but other then that this was awsome.

No changes it was a fantastic piece of art



A cute redesign love the color and the borders were a nice touch I may touch on adding some fancy design within the border to accent the character more, I love the Rapid and Energetic visuals here, and Again a nice piece of art here with some style and a unique design of ideas here This was accomplished and you have some good Ambition

I may touch on adding some fancy design within the border to accent the character more


Nice work

Very nice the animation was really good too I think more sparkle on the armor and more shine would look good, this is a delightfull art piece you have presented us with here, You have Formulated a Magnificent piece here, it has detail and it has a certain vibe of creation that jumps out at you.

I think more sparkle on the armor and more shine would look good


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