
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very artistic

So this was very artistic here you have some nice skills and you show some really nice blends on this one I think some added light source like a moonlight might be a nice touch but other then that this was pretty good

A light source like a moonlight would be nice


Nice fox

So this was a nice fox you have here I like the real fur like visual you have on the fox charchter the background was pretty decent too very nice work here you do some good work here I would love to see more like this

Some more work like this is a plus


Wow nice

So the lighting effects on this was really nice some very nice structure on the face and that lighting comes off well so very nice detail and effects you should for sure test more lighting effects but anyways nice work here on this one

Some more lighting and more testings


Haha nice

Well that was cute with the laughing and big smile you have going on here some really funny stuff here the art and textuture was nice and just a nice and refreshing piece of art you have here I liked it so nice job here great art piece

Great art piece no changes needed


Really awsome

So this was a really awsome character here I can see you adding a tad more shine and sparkles on the character like some shiny points since there is alot of that on the armour, and the backround could use for some small detail maybe a colored design or pattern or something, anyways nice character design here.

A few suggestions made.


Wow nice

So this was a nice character you have here love that pose you could ad some shine on the sword and I would even go as far as adding more detail in the backround, I like the effort you have put fourth in this and the whole idea and concept is even nice, I Applaud you and give you Kudo's on the progress of this fine piece

you could ad some shine on the sword and I would even go as far as adding more detail in the backround


Wow the color

Wow this was pretty amazing all the color and character design is really nice maybe some sort of added vibrant border on this to maybe accent the characters and detail more might be a cool idea, the Talent brings out so much Exhilaration, I really like these types of art pieces they are somewhat different then the mainstream that comes out of the portal

some sort of added vibrant border on this to maybe accent the characters and detail more might be a cool idea



So here was some more amazing work from you with a very cute visual, I love the old style of art here and the thick borders a nice touch aswell, no changes needed here with this one a pleasent art piece here so no changes needed, very Skillful visuals you have here, There could be some extra Polish something I am Accustomed to seeing in these types, but overall it was great stuff.

no changes needed here with this one a pleasent art piece here so no changes needed


Very nice work here

wow this was cool I love the detail in this with the white backround I think some added glow or shine behind the character might accent it better just an idea though, love all the details and effects on this would be really cool you do some amazing work and this was just one example of your talent, so nice job.

some added glow and shine from behind the character would be cool.


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