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Nice characters here

So first of all welcome to newgrounds and I will welcome you with open arms you may like this place your art is nice you have some cool characters and nice lines here the backrounds were a tad bland wouldnt mind more detail there, but regardless this was a nice piece of art.

the backrounds were a tad bland wouldnt mind more detail there



So this was a colorful piece here there was some very nice pink colors there, almost feels like there was too much white in there maybe if the 2019 was slightly darker but regardless this was a nice art piece to take us into the new year, anyways nice work of art here.

almost feels like there was too much white in there maybe if the 2019 was slightly darker


Beautiful art

Now this was something beautiful I love the characters and creatures you design I especially love the thick borders along the edges it really accents the focus here maybe adding some fance detail inside the thick white borders, anyways great artwork here.

As a suggestion only maybe adding some fance detail inside the thick white borders


Nice color

So this was a nice new years blased based on the visual there was a good amount of color in this one, you have represented the visual just right as everyone is enjoying the new year arriving a dark yet still bright and colorful art piece here on this one.

No changes here it was beautiful



Very nice detail on these girls here I do like what you did with the backround too very nice detail my take on this might be just adding some added shine and sparkle on the head pieces, but with all that said this was a nice art piece and great character detail here.

my take on this might be just adding some added shine and sparkle on the head pieces


DashXero responds:

Thanks for the feedback! If I do more of these, I'll keep that in mind.

Great color

So with this one it was some really nice use of color here, the the streak of purple and with that black backround it sticks out alot, even with a nice black backround seems like there is something missing in the backround, but overall this was a really nice character here.

even with a nice black backround seems like there is something missing in the backround


Very nice

I understand the feeling blue with the character at the bottom the gem in the middle could have more of a sparkle but other then that this was a nifty art piece here and seems like there was a story behind these characters and such, this was a nice piece of work a great art piece here.

he gem in the middle could have more of a sparkle


Cute character

So this was a cute character the cans or spray cans were nice and love the view of them all seems like you could have added some related props in the backround, but honestly you have some nice artwork here very cute and adorble, very nice detail here in this one.

maybe some added props in the backround



Now this was cool, and I guess there really is some great escape among all the different characters and each character has some great detail each one of them and the color as always amazing here is another fine art piece with no need for any changes a fantastic art piece once again.

here is another fine art piece with no need for any changes a fantastic art piece


Really awsome

So this was some really awsome detail here very fine detail love the dim look here and dark element great character design and even better backround detail this is one piece that wont need any suggestions or improvments you have outdone yourself here with this piece its a beautiful piece of art.

this is one piece that wont need any suggestions or improvments you have outdone yourself here with this piece


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