
17,993 Art Reviews

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Wow amazing

Wow I have to say that you have done some amazing work sorry you didnt like the episode but this was pretty amazing art I would love more shine and sparkle, there may be some adjustments but maybe not much just depends on the direction you really wanted to go with this. This piece brings a sense of Exhilaration and you Ignite that with your talents shown here

I would love more shine and sparkle



So this was really cute love the little animation with this one lots of shaking on this, seems like some added backround would be one idea but even without it, its a nice little art and animation, so nice work here and it was a cute and adorble piece of art.

Some backround detail would be nice.


A cute comic

So you have a nice and cute comic here I like this and whilke there is not a lot of color in your comic series here your humor really makes up for any less color so really nice work here and this one was pretty funny so really nice work here I look forward to even more.

Ok so maybe not your intent but maybe some small added color even just the frames would be nice.


This was cool

So this was cool I love the view shot here with the perspective view point here seems like with that view you could have more shine and sparkle on the gun there, I would even suggest some backround element maybe some backdrop scene or something like that overall I found this to be some lovely artwork.

Some backround detail and some shine on the ened of the gun.


Such nice art here

So this one is really nice and lots of detail here a lot of characres here this whole piece seems like it could use some frame work or border to accent all the characters more, besides that small suggestion this was pretty fantastic of an idea so keep making more great stuff in the future.

Some fancy frame work would be nice.



So first off welcome to newgrounds and hope you enjoy your time here, Your artwork here is amazung you have a way with color and a great form of the characters, the upper part of the girl on the left seems like it could have more shine, I checked out your profile and noticed your from calif I lived there for a lot of years anyways great work here I look forward to seeing much more of your work in the near future.

the upper part of the girl on the left seems like it could have more shine


Great piece

so this one here was a great piece of art you have some really nice detail and love the angle here really nice point of view the character work is uncanny, and great backround detail, my fave has always been venom, but anyways some nice work here I think as an idea maybe have the book pages glowing as there is a great story being told, anyways great work here.

I think as an idea maybe have the book pages glowing as there is a great story being told


Beautiful work

Very nice and this was some very nice work I almost feel like theres too much white but this was your design maybe some added glows from the backend would be one idea, but overall you have some really nice work here very cool character design shows your talented nature.

Suggested an idea or two above.


Very nice

So this was really nice here chun li was always one of my faves and this was a cool character design here the color is not as vibrant but still has a nice visual about it even the design in the backround was nice I would still suggest more depth in the backround though, anyways nice character here

I would still suggest more depth in the backround though



So this was a cute art piece you have here the yellow backround was kind of nifty here maybe more depth and texture in the backround would be nice on this piece, overall this was a great and cute piece you do some amazing work here and it shows off well.

Some added depth in the yellow backround possibly


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