
17,993 Art Reviews

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Great view

So this was such a great view shot here on this one, the color all seems to come in together, seems like there should be some item of focus of what they are staring at, but besides that you have done some amazing work here, anyways nice job indeed make more soon.

seems like there should be some item of focus of what they are staring at


Kidgalactus responds:

Yeah, the idea was that they are just staring of into the distance. Kind of a quiet moment.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Very nice

So this one here was really nice work A great visual pose here of sonic even the backround was nice, I wouldnt mind more vibrant backround though, some decent art we have here, now im no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me, and its clearly nice visually, you have some good ideas here and I like what you have done here today. wouldnt hurt to add some flair or abit more flair then you already have.

I wouldnt mind more vibrant backround


Really great character

So this was really a great character you have here would love some shine on that sword but overall it was fine as is, here is always some nice detail or even simple method of how it was created, but this was notbad at all. And so there you have it, the review is shortly comming to a finish here

would love some shine on that sword but overall it was fine as is



And here was a beautiful piece great look on her face love the eyes and the crown was nice, I think the crown would look even better with some added sparkle on it, Nice effort here the art piece is different and I like what you did here and the talent shows off well, So I do like this and you will have me interested in more

I think the crown would look even better with some added sparkle on it a suggestion only


This was notbad

So this one was cool and has a nice old style about it character work is amazing, the backround spraypaint style was interesting, you brought out lots of nice elements in this and made it your own style thats what I liked about this its not just put out there but you really made it jump out, so nice job there and i look forward to more from you soon.

Make more older style art like this


A cute piece here

So you have some nice and cute art here with this one, it was stylish colors were subtle but that also made it different I would love more glare and shine comming off the eyes, I will say that you have done well here, I wanted to comment on how this Radiates all sorts of creativty and flavour you bring some very nice style here.

I would love more glare and shine comming off the eyes



So this was amazing work I especially love the angle here, the color is nice too but love this view shot how it is pointed down and you show this view keeps one interested in what has happened here, I dont know what to suggest for improvment I found it delightful as is, keep up the good work.

I dont know what to suggest for improvment I found it delightful as is


Beautiful piece

so first of all the pose you have here on this one I thaught was really nice and was a beautiful piece of character that pose is just amazing, the paint style on this ads to that paint style giving this some amazing touches with this element here, so nice job indeed.

Dont see any need for changes this was your idea your intent and a beautiful result came out so no changes here.



So this was a nice piece of work I like the big hair here and since this is called diamond maybe some sparkles on the diamonds and maybe even some added sparkle on the eyes but since you got front page you may not need any changes, regardless this was some amazing work here.

some added sparkles and shines


Really cool

So this was really cool I love the snake in this it was some nice work here the backround was atad subtle but overall this was pretty good, I like the detail of the character and the snake though so nice job on this one, I lokk forward to more of your work soon

No changes here as it was a fan art piece.


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