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Another cute character

So here was another cute character here love the prop as pop I think some added backround detail would go a long way on this, I Applaud you on this fine piece of art and hope to see more very soon here on the portal. And once again this was an awsome piece with lots to be desired and glad I saw this with a nice visual about it including great detail.

I think some added backround detail would go a long way on this


Such a cutie

So here was a great character and a cutie at that you really have some nice talent here and this is just an example so really nice work on this one, would have loved a tad more in the backround but maybe that was not your intent, You have some good talant on here and it shows with this piece, I like the work you have done here the quality shows and you bring out the detail well, so very nice work here.

would have loved a tad more in the backround but maybe that was not your intent


Wow nice

So this was really nice I love thise pose you have here, that glowing eyes is even nice, maybe some added glow and sparkl from the eye, So I Applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer. You have shown the Desire in this piece, And now as I end this review on this awsome piece of work

maybe some added glow and sparkl from the eye


Wow I love it

Wow this was really good I just love every bit of this and you are very talented you show in this piece some nice sngle shits the bats were cute and her pose was just right onlything I might ad would be some backround distance maybe a moon maybe more bats far away, I like the theme you are going with here, I like how this all came out and looks very welldone, So nice job on this piece, you have outdone yourself.

onlything I might ad would be some backround distance maybe a moon maybe more bats far away


Beautifull design

Wow this was an amazing character here, love the darkness of this whole piece here the colors worked very well here and those eyes are amazing and I would say that the eyes could have a bit more glow to them and overall this was really nice detail, so some good and positive Kudo's sent your way like the Stylization and Flair you have presented here. very good piece of art here.

I would say that the eyes could have a bit more glow to them and overall this was really nice detail


Nice color

So this was some nice use of color on this one and I love that perspective of the bat you really made it stand out and have some nice shades and other details that really made this up to be a nice artistic view of it all so really nice work here great stuff.

No changes here maybe a spalsh of colored border to match the color theme going on here



Once again you do some awesome work some really nice style here a beautiful piece of charchter here I really like the detail I think the onlything this really needs is the background could use some added design maybe some props maybe some nice little detail or shades but overall this was some really nice work here so good job here great stuff indeed anyways can't wait to see more work from you as this was some awesome work indeed

Some background work and details


Wow very nice

So this was some very nice work here beautiful color some amazing detail it's a dragon I believe but the color texture really forms out the detail in this and a beautiful background was really nice too anyways keep up the amazing work

Make more great designs like this one


Wow nice

So this was cool I really like what you have done here it shows a nice visual of a dream or something you used the color well on this one great structure of the scene so nice job here and you should make more like these

Make more of these dream scenes


Really cool charchter

So this was a really cool charchter you have here you have some nice formed lines here on this one and some amazing style of pose and color all together forming a really nice charchter here so really nice job indeed

Nice work here maybe some added background


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