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Wow this was extremely amazing work I love the Knight here some very nice detail the color most of all you have some very nice color with a nice and deep texture even the shadows of the Knight came off well so nice job here I was pretty impressed with the effects on this I think the only thing I might ad would be a border or fancy frame but anyways nice work here I look forward to more

Some fancy style border or frame


Beautiful color

So this was some beautiful color here some real deep intense shades of color very nice elements here the background was just as intense with a realistic look here I really like the look on this some really intense quality about this one I love the talent you have pushed into this one with some very nice work indeed I will not have any changes here because it does not need any so nice job here

No changes as mentioned


Wow nice

Now I have to say that this was an amazing piece of artwork here I do wish this was darker though as it was kind of light maybe added more detail in the background would also be nice but anyways very nice work here

Some added detail in the background maybe some design or pattern would be cool too


Very nice

So this was cool I really like the art style here it does have a different feel about it and that lighting effect is just amazing I think more of the lighting effect would be even better but overall this was pretty cool anyways keep up the good work

More lighting


Another beautiful day and

So another beautiful day gone here with the drawing on some paper and the tools of the trade just to the side of things really makes a great presented visual point here so that's what impressed me here anyways nice job

Maybe a sort of border on this whole visual


Another nice one

This inktober is some really nice stuff here I really like all the detailed work the line work is most impressive and the visual of the imagination really comes out on this one and shows some nice work indeed so nice work indeed

It's an inktober so it's fine just the way you have it


Amazing work

So this was really nice work here and some amazing work it is I like the style of the progress steps the depth and detail of it all is pretty amazing though you have some good work here and glad I could review it so nice job here

This was fine as is if anything maybe some color on the head diagrams



Now this was some beautiful work here you have some very nice deep linework on this one the smooth lines is pretty nice and some smooth work I like the fact that this is done on paper gives it a nice visual effect here so nice job indeed

Not sure I think it's fine as is


Cute charchter

So this here was another cute charchter you have the purplish elements and color are really nice I think some added detail in the background would be nice though you have some good style overall all though and I'm pretty impressed with the outcome here

Ad some background texture and detail


Brilliant character

A brilliant character you have here you always do some amazing work dont see a need for any changes, An art piece that is realistically delivered in its mystical appearance, Everything from her hair to her clothing hint at a fantasy being creating an underlying story for viewers to interpret on their own as they look on, The variations of blue shades all complement the accompanying lavender as does the snow white hair, The latter in particular is a trait that stands out most giving further beauty to the look of her eyes No line work is necessarily evident for every aspect fills out on its own A lovely piece.

you always do some amazing work dont see a need for any changes


DidiEsmeralda responds:

Thank you Xwaynecoltx , I'm glad you like it

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