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Well this was pretty good I thought the stuffy Spiderman doll must be in heaven and makes for a nice visual the color on this whole piece is pretty amazing with all that great color and detail you really know how to use color and that shows here but anyways very nice work indeed I look forward to to even more from you anyways keep it going good

No changes it was beautiful


Really cool

So first off great charchter here love that background you have going on here with this one some really nice detail love the effects of the background and how it reflects off the beautiful charchter so nice job indeed

I would ad some sparkle to that nifty background



So this was a cool idea here I like the comic style element about it all you have some really nice details here and great colortone so nice job all the way around make more of these types anyways untill your next one

No changes here at this time


Beautiful again

So this was beautiful once again you have some nice linework once again here it was a bit faint but maybe that was the photo but regardless this was some beautiful work here I look forward to even more from you soon

No changes persay but could be more visually clear photo wise


Nice comic

So this was a nice comic element here wish it was a tad longer but it did grab a few laughs and such so really nice work here, you do some amazing work as always and this was cool you should think about making more comic pieces like this one it was entertaining

Make more comics like this one here


Very nice color

A very nice character head shot here, Everything about her color scheme adds to tone and works harmoniously with one another For instance the emerald green shade of her eyes plays nicely against her near pale complexion I thaught some added glow on those eyes would be really nice, while the deep black of her hair is a phenomenally beautiful juxtaposition to the aforementioned lack of color in her skin, Her rosy red lips also work well in the mix formulating a look of dark dangerous seduction, The individual strands of her hair alongside the mix of contrasting colors in the background and shading make for a nice tone of instability or possible danger that intrigues the viewer, Exaggeration of facial features is equally interesting.

I thaught some added glow on those eyes would be really nice


Amazing character

Well once again you have amazed me with some beautiful work here The sunlight was a nice touch would have been nice if there was more dominant light comming in on the character, A piece that gives a smooth mixture of both cool and warm colors Specifically her complexion and overall color scheme concerning the light brown hair, and golden eyes is a stark contrast to the bright blue of her bathing suit, Still this contrast is positive for the bright blue complements her in her entirety, Similarly the presence of a blue sky and nearby seascape are complemented by the shade of her bathing suit, An indirect light source is also depicted through neat shading further highlighting her skin tone while creating a setting revolving around a sunset at a beach, In basic terms every aspect of the image plays on each other in a manner that contributes to the quality.

would have been nice if there was more dominant light comming in on the character



such an amazing piece of art here and it even became a newgrounds backround so really nice work here I love the view shot of this and the little lighting effects that really make this up as a city scene here so really nice work here, would have loved even more lighting but it was great as is, it has some nice detail, and an overall good visual effect, so very nice work here, maybe some extra enhancments here or there, but ill add some more info to that later.

would have loved even more lighting but it was great as is



A nice lion here love the artistic element with the faded color and such, The backround is nice but seems like its missing something maybe some added texture and props would be nice, Definitely creative and thought-provoking considering what the piece is depicting, Sharp bold line work makes for a cartoon-like body as well as the surrounding details of cloth or fur, Nonetheless these details are worthy of notice in themselves for they present an appropriate amount of realism, An example is the realistic look of the lion’s head despite the exact precision of detail present, The same can be said for the guitar which creates a space for questioning of context or a deeper message from the artist, The bold green of the clothing also work well with the more faded beige shade of the background.

The backround is nice but seems like its missing something maybe some added texture and props would be nice


Mekka23 responds:

Great Review, I drew this 11 years ago so it's nice to know people can see it somehow!

Nice work

Certainly an interesting thing to see The facial features are especially realistic however the anatomy stands in strong opposition to that, The blank background further ignites thought, and leaves a viewer in wonderment of what the artist’s purpose was behind this, It also highlights the presence of the man causing the same reaction nevertheless.

Would have loved some backround detail just to accent the main piece a little more


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