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Love it

This with all the books is nice and so much detail really good talents here A decent art peice here it was kind of different but thats what I liked about it, it was pretty nifty so keep doing what you do because you have a fantastic sense of creativity, I applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer, Some top notch work here it was a pleasure to review and see how this all went together with what you presented so nice work here overall it was an amazing element, So I cant wait for more of the nifty flavor and designs.


citrusmillie responds:

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the thoughtful and sweet reply. I'm working on another large scale pixel piece like this in the coming days with hopefully just as much detail :)

Thank you again so much, your kind words made my day!


This one has like its own story the color is deep and the scene is beautiful, great characters too First off thanks for the effort you have presented us with, because it was truly something to see and admire I admire your creations of imagination. Something different here these types is what I always look for, Its visuals like this that really draw an interest to me you have a strange and unique style and thats what I really like, I applaud you on this one, These kinds of pieces I really come to love because they just sort of jump out at you, And I do hope you make more like this as it was some solid work indeed.


Nice scene

A jumping character scene almost very cool scene Now this is an amazing piece of art you have created here, to start off this is a great art piece and I really like what you have done here, and hope you continue to keep up the skills on success, a pretty decent art piece and ill be right here waiting to see what you do next and ofcourse review it.


A fantastic 3-D piece

Wow this is probably the best 3/D character I have seen on here with full on color and details, So here was a fantastic 3-D piece you have some good ideas and the sleek design here really shows off well and I was pretty impressed with this piece, so awsome job indeed, keep making some amazing 3-D elements for us all to enjoy love your style.


A wonderful 3-D

Really love the before and after visuals here What an amazing and A wonderful 3-D submission here, thank you for showcasing this awsome 3-D element thank you for showcasing your talents a nice and fun 3-D piece here it takes art to a whole other level I will end on that note but it was a pleasure


Cant go wrong with pico

Like that you animated this one and theres pico and friends in this one, you really have gone all out and made some really nice visual focus of pico himself pico is the master of all and you have created a great moment of pico, you really cant go wrong with pico as you have graced us here, and hope to see more in the future


Nice variations

I love the fact that you have added on different shots here all very good a great female character and outfits here, An art piece with something different and unque about it, You have some tremendous talent here and it shows in this piece here, so we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value as well as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together, I hope you keep making stuff like this as it was pretty nice, and its nice to see stuff like this come thru the portal, you have some nice talent and would love to see much more of it so grace our paths with more stuff like this one.


3/D element

Wow this is n intense 3/d character you really make it look detailed too Some really nice work here, your 3/D skills by far some of the best its an interesting piece, You showcase some really nice 3/D its a unique piece for sure some nice 3/D and from my view its some of the best out there so keep doing what you do best.


What a wonderful 3-d piece

Wow this one was different and a little on the dark side the backround bathroom was very nice the sleek design here really shows off well and I was pretty impressed with this piece, What a wonderful 3-d piece so nice job We need more fine 3-D elements like this they are very creative and have a nice visual on it so nice job indeed make more soon.


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