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Most Impressive Pixel

you added another twist to the whole pixel element and you present it very well here so very nice work so this was some nice work the pixel element comes alive with each detail and there was some nice details in this one but anyways keep making great pixel.

amazing work here and no major changes needed here


EthanWulf responds:

wow, thank you very much for the constructive and positive critique :D I really wish I could've known about the contest and event ahead of time. I wanted this to have better quality and a likeness towards Paul Robertson's animation style, but I was pressed for time. U _ U if I ever get back into creating pixel work again like this other than for my small indie game projects I would love to create something cool that people can stare at for a while.

wow beautiful color

You do some amazing work with color the neon like color and vibrant visual is just amazing but anyways really love the stars too maybe have some of the stars brighter and some dimmer just as an extra effect, dont know if I can suggest any improvments but if I do you will see it, but other then that this was actually notbad and has some good effort behind It

love the stars too maybe have some of the stars brighter and some dimmer just as an extra effect



And once again very nice this was a beautiful design and amazing charchter here you do some amazing work still that black background still bugs me and I feel you could really bring out the character more with some added to detail

Some background work


Another great one

And here was another great combo you have this was pretty cool with the two of them standing there in all of there unique design the background was really cool and seemed fitting to the scene so no changes on this one it was some solid work here anyways I look forward to more but that's what I get from this one

No changes with this one


Wow nice

So this was a really nice piece here I like all the dripping blood in this one more dripping blood would be a real plus you do some nice work great character and that lighting effect was even better so nice job there this was an amazing piece of work and hope to find more of you work sometime soon so keep doing what you do but anyways that's all I have for this one here


Wow nice

Now this was really cool has some native tribal element to it I love the portrait here I think some background or some sort of backdrop on there would really make this nice anyways great tribal element here it was cool

As mentioned some background for sure



So this was a brilliant charchter here some really nice visual here I like that this one has some distance on it very nice indeed but anyways a great piece of art work here hope to see more and hope more background detail can be added

Some added background would b nice


Fantastic charchter

Here was a fantastic charchter you have here this one looks extra long and has some nice design and form on the character you sure do love those black background and show off some amazing charchter work with it

Nothing to change or edit it's some solid work here


Very nice

Very nice and most impressive the group of charchters here is pretty nice and I like the detail in each one and all the different characters here really nice charchter details so keep that up anyways I look forward to more

Possibly some background details maybe some added color


Nice work

So this was some nice work here you have some good designs on this one seems like you could have some borders or frames to showcase all the clothing designs here anyways nice work hope you keep making stuff like this

Some way to showcase it better like frames or borders


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