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Great charchter

So this was a great charchter design you have here I am loving the colors used here on this one and am loving the colors in this but anyways really nice work here I hope to see more from you this was just a fantastic piece of art here

Some background maybe but overall pretty good


Very cute pece

So this was a very cute piece of art here I am loving that pose and overall this was just a nice charchter work some nice and refreshing colortone both in background and charchter so nice job here anyways good job



Its amazing but you always do some amazing work and this one shows that somany great pieces of artwork here I really like this, no changes on this maybe some sort of borders might accent the art better, I Applaud you aswell as lots of Kudo's your way, you have good Insight on some good Rapid detail. And in closing you have some good artwork here

I really like this, no changes on this maybe some sort of borders might accent the art better


ScepterDPinoy responds:

I was originally add an arcade art border


So this was pretty good and a great backdrop here of the city and sunsetting love the use of color and lighting on this one, the character looking on was pretty impressive too so really nice work here I love your backdrop work here and it is just amazing stuff so nice job.

No changes on this one it was amazing work.


Really nice

So this was really nice I am loving this animation here seems like if you had a sort of backround on this like some other related props to his adventure might relate better the character is amazing and the animation bounce is awsome anyways nice job here

Some backround elements would be great here



So this was really nice seems like you could have some backround in this and that gold ring would be nice with a shine and sparkle on it aswell just an idea overall this is pretty good great character design here love all the little details here and there I was really impressed with this one.

A few suggestions but nothing major


alejandroartworks responds:

Yes, at first hand this was just a doodle but some background would be good to enhance the composition and playing with some vfx its a huge awesome idea to improve the drama,Thanks dude!

Great combo of characters here

Wow this was a nice combo of characters here and beautiful use of color here I see no need for any changes here, on an ending note I will say this was an awsome piece, I love the Skillful Talent you bring to the table, great work nice idea nice style

I see no need for any changes here


Very cool

So this was a very nice metal gear piece sexy and shiny and you cant expect any better then that, the backround could use more to iot but you have a great character design here some very nice work here Love the detail on this I would suggest some backround detail and more shine on the gear, anyways nice job.

I would suggest some backround detail and more shine on the gear


DashXero responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I haven't forgotten your review of TX-55 and D (all of the existing Metal Gear Girls were made at roughly the same time). If I make more of them, I'll keep that in mind.

Some nice characters

So this was some nice characters here great poses and some decent color, the backround could use a tad bit of color or details maybe a backdrop theme of sometype, anyways great work on these cute characters here it was a nice job here so make more soon.

the backround could use a tad bit of color or details maybe a backdrop theme of sometype


Very nice

So this was very colorful here, looks like a great time here and lots of color element and some great character designs here making for all one great poster like piece here some very nice work here, I look forward to even more stuff like this one anyways nice job.

No changes it was a beautiful piece


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