
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very nice

So this was some nice work here I love this large and in charge character you have here some really nice detail some more lighting effects might have been nice but overall this was some really nice work great detail all the way around hope you make more like this sometime soon.

maybe some more lighting effects.


Some good action

There is a lot of suspense going on in this one you have some nice creatures and characters and there was some good suspense in this particular issue I love your comic I even started one of my own so thank you for the inspiration, anyways great comic keep up the good work.

No changes it was pretty awsome.


cecameron responds:

Thank you so much for all your kind comics, and good luck with your own comic!

A Brilliant Comic

Another great one here, wish these were a tad longer maybe a frame or row of frames longer So I found this to be a "BRILLIANT-COMIC" you have here, I like the direction this one takes and you really make some fun things happen in this one and thats what I have enjoyed about this "WEB-COMIC-ENTRY" you have presented here so really nice job on this one.

wish these were a tad longer maybe a frame or row of frames longer


Nice Web comic

A nice web comic you have created here this is something I for sure would love to see more of as this was a "VERY-INTERESTING-COMIC" you have here, and I do look forward to much more of what you "BRING-TO-THE-PORTAL" especilly if it was anything like this entry.

No changes as you have some nice work here a fantastic comic here.


Comics Are Nifty

Very nice there was not much dialog or text bubbles this one, A nice comic vibe here with a strong buzz too, really good flow of the comic with some quality, you have a nifty comic here with some "GOOD-IDEAS-ROAMING-AROUND" on this one, So nice style here and it was unique "THIS-PARTICULAR-ONE" was really nifty and exciting.

there was not much dialog or text bubbles this one


A decent Comic entry

Great visuals here your use of color and each frame just comes alive, you should possbly make some animation based off of your comics, You bring An exciting comic element full force with a A unique comic submission here and its a pleasent and delightful entry so this was a pretty nifty comic entry here lots of fine details that stand out and thats what I have enjoyed about this and hope you make more soon.

you should possbly make some animation based off of your comics


Really sexy

So this was a really sexy character here love the angle shot too she looks really mad and upset so the expression was right on the backround could have more to it maybe some backdrop scene, but regardless it was a nice element and a great character design here

Some backround work


Amazing character

So this was a great character you have here I love the vibrant color of the hair wish you had pushed more of that, the backround seems like it could have a bit more shading or detail, you Ignite the fire within the art, Well I must say these are not my favorite types of art but I will say this one has grown on me with the style you have here

I love the vibrant color of the hair wish you had pushed more of that, the backround seems like it could have a bit more shading or detail


A beautiful pirate

So this was a beautiful pirate here love the purple color here it was pretty nice and was some nice visual of her in action even the backround characters was cool, I thaught the gems in her hand could have more sparkle to them, So my Insight on this whole piece is that you have Captured something differant and unique. Ok so this is where I call it an end for the review

I thaught the gems in her hand could have more sparkle to them



So this was some nice artwork here love the two cute characters here maybe some added color on this or even a sparkle off the eyes, you for sure know what you are doing and it shows, some areas could be better, but you have it down for the most part this was a nice element of art here.

maybe some added color on this or even a sparkle off the eyes


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