
17,993 Art Reviews

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Its Pico

This was a nice group pic some intense color and deep texture lots of nice detail and great visual details glad to see people doing pico art its always a plesure to see what people come up with and this was some fine detail on pico, nice use of focal points as well making this one of the better pico art pieces out there


Nice portrait

Nice bell this was a rather cute portrait and came off well Well Cant go wrong with a portrait and you have gone off and made a really good one with a style all on its own a great vibe about it too this particular one brings on some nice energy I am loving the detail of it all so keep making great portraits.


Unique and stylish

Love the pink hair and a really nice shine you showcase your talents when you have a finished portrait like this and really amaze me with all the small details added, But regardless it was a pleasure to review this fine portrait and look forward to even more anyways keep up the great artworks.

No reason to change anything for this fine piece


Unposture-mov responds:

Thanks! though i plan on redrawing this, it is rather old and kind of not that good in my opinion.


Well this was funny seems like foamy is in the right place at the right time lol, a good use of color and just an overall nice flow of the comic so nice job indeed on this one.



The character itself is nice and found it simple but brings on lots of character and you gotta love the purple element here really nice and the color is sharp and crisp i found this piece to be refreshing and has a meaning behind it so nice job here.


KhaosKitsune617 responds:

Thanks. This art is very old so its not thst good. Check my newer art for less dissapointmrnt.

This is nice

This is a very beautiful piece the purple seems to fit very here you made it look good some nice shine and just a beautiful character along with some erotic look and visual so awsome job here. Anyways nice work.



Well it might free up space in a way lol. This one was actually pretty funny. I like the whole idea and good drawing and artwork as always a fun and entertaining comic so nice job. So keep doing what you do as its really nice to see.


I like it

This was a nice and simple one its a beautiful piece and the characters really came out well simple but with a twist of magic and that was a plus here so awsome job and some really beautiful art work.


Very nice

I like this for a number of reasons but especially like that you added some backround world and element it really helps the viewer to see the world of the characters.

And speaking on the character work its amazing as always and you showcase your talents on this piece well i am very impressed here so keep it up.


Nice guitar

Lol no but really you have once again captured a beautiful pose nice form some nice use of color and the water color style shines with this piece. A great and amazing character and just really enjoyed your work on this one.


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