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So this was pretty "AMAZING" the character line work is smooth and fresh looking, the shiny hair is nice and glimmers with some sparkle, the backround was pretty good too as for any improvments I dont think it needs any you have done a fantastic job here.

Another one of your character designs that doesnt need any changes.


Wow this was cool

I have to say this was "VERY-COOL" you really showed off some nice "DETAIL" on this one you really made it look awsome with all the "DIFFERENT-COLORS" it was pretty intense to be honest, very nice indeed, and I hope you make more great pixel like you have here today.

no changes just make more beautiful pixel.



So here was something cute it was pretty "ADORBLE" I like the blue "ELEMENT" the canvus size here was somewhat small but maybe thats how most pixel styles go, I do think a larger canvus would be better presented, the pixel like art is decent though, nice job here.

I do think a larger canvus would be better presented


Awsome detail

So here with this one you have some great detail I think some added shine to her hair and her crown would be a nice touch but overall this was some nice work here, love that backround too with the clouds and such you do some amazing work and it really shows well, so nice job.

some small shine and sparkle on her hair and crown.


Fresh character

Well this was a fresh "CHARACTER" I was not fond of the black "BACKROUND" but maybe you could ad some sort of design back there regardless of my imput you have created a nice fresh looking character and in all honesty is pretty welldone here with this visual.

maybe you could ad some sort of design back there in the backround, regardless of my imput you have created a nice piece here.



A "LOVELY" art piece I am digging the green hair, I do feel there needs to be more emotion in the face and ofcourse some extra sparkle on the sword, you have some nice idea of clothing and make them fashionble and it shows nice so some nice work as you have presented here.

I do feel there needs to be more emotion in the face and ofcourse some extra sparkle on the sword


Another cute one

I am enjoying your work and like the "NEON" like colors you have presented here on this one, some really nice color elements you pushed here, Maybe ad a small glare on the green goggles just since the sun may be glaring down, but really you have no need to change anything.

Maybe ad a small glare on the green goggles just since the sun may be glaring down



Another cute "DOLL" here very nice "FORM" great pose here, and I love the spash of water and nice flowing hair you did very well with this piece as you do with all of your work, but I would suggest maybe some added props in the backround like a sail boat maybe some on lookers, besides that this was pretty nice work here.

I would suggest maybe some added props in the backround like a sail boat maybe some on lookers


A good group

So here was a good group of characters some really nice detail here and some really nice characteristics, I do think some added backround could be added, these pieces they bring so much to the table and they just stand out among the rest, and the skills really come out, It kind of reaches out and grabs at you in away as do special art pieces do.

I do think some added backround could be added


colorful and cute

So this was pretty colorful and a nice cute pose here with this character I really like the cartoony backround and even character some really nice work here, as we are heading to the end of this review, Just want to say you have a decent piece of artwork here. And I do look forward to seeing what else you can bring out in the open

I have no updates or changes for this piece as you have presented some solid artwork here it was fantastic as it is.


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