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A great character

So here was a great character kind of reminds me of a character piece from poxnora game but regardless you have some really nice shades and lighting effects really nice line work aswell, it is very nice, detailed, structured and provides a creative outlet for not just you but us the viewer, and thats a plus in itself. The Expression you have planted on this submission of art is most impressive

Would love some added detail in the backround maybe a backdrop scene


Kidgalactus responds:


Suche a cute pose

So here was such a cute pose you have here, I really like the art style you have presented here really great use of color too, seems like you could ad some shiny points maybe the heart charm, my Overview of this piece is that it Radiates with flavour, So I am pretty pleased with the outcome and results here, I dont know what to say about this picture or much to say aside from what I have already mentioned above

seems like you could ad some shiny points maybe the heart charm



Here was a beautiful character and even love that border in the backround maybe some added sparkle as an added effect like on the nails or jewlry belt etc stuff like that, I am excited to review this piece as its full of creativity and imagination. An awsome piece you have here it was interesting and entertaining, I have enjoyed reviewing this and hope to review more

some added sparkle as an added effect like on the nails or jewlry belt etc stuff like that


mogy64 responds:

thank u! im happy that u liked it


so this was a refreshing art piece here love the use of colors and the star diamonds are nice, this piece does not need changes as you have done a wonderfull job here on it, Now here is something that really stuck out to me its these types that are really nifty and something kind of differant, But I really enjoy finding stuff like this on the portal.

I have no suggestions for this piece as its a solid piece and honestly does not need anything changed besides its your work of art as you see it.



So this was a really nice scene here I love the rain effect here that was pretty realistic you do some nice work and the talent showcaes very well, love the structure of your car here and backround design, but anyways keep up the great work here I look forward to even more

make more beautiful art


AngshumanDhar responds:

Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. 😊😊😊

Very nice scene

Wow This was a very nice scene you have here the detail like smoke or mist was just very realistic this whole piece was realistic and such a beautiful sight here you do some amazing work and it shows off very well here hope you make more just like this.

Would love if the lighting effects came in more dominant but overall this was great


Really beautiful

So this was a really beautiful scene you have here some nice details here I think some added lighting effects could make this brighter but maybe thats not the intent but overall this was a nice art scene here some really nice talent on this piece I look forward to much more from you aswell.

maybe some added lighting effects


Very nice

So you cant go wrong with some yoshies here, all the different color yoshies was nice though and you made this so cute love the envirment aswell some really nice art piece here and great use of color, so nice job indeed, as for any changes I dont think I would change this as you do some amazing work so keep up the amazing work, anyways nice job.

as for any changes I dont think I would change this as you do some amazing work so keep up the amazing work


A cute character

so here was a nice and sexy character you have created here you have some nice effcts here like the shine and glare and there was a lot of nice detail in this creation I dont think I have any changes in mind for this as this was a pretty brilliant art piece here so really nice work here

congrats on the front page here this was a beautiful piece of art and no changes are needed.


emubi responds:

t thank you for your kind word

Very nice

So this one here was a very nice character you have added lots of details here some really nice shine effects the backround could be filled up a little more but overall this is a cool design and great character, regardless of this all you have a very nice character

Some added backround would be nice


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