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So this was nice and some good color use here I love what you have done with the eyes and the demon like features you really made a great demon like creature here great color here I would say make more great charchters like this

Make more



So this was a sexy scene here her body has some good formations and that skintone was pretty nice I like the background too a good sexy character here hope you keep up the good work maybe some added effects like shines and sparkles

Some added shines and sparkles



Wow this is some nice work you have here I love the clothing especially the jacket and how it wraps around a great charchter and even the background was pretty decent maybe some added background props would be a plus

Some background elements like some props or something


Cute character

So this was a cute character here love the bright vibrant pinks here and great guitar too some added backround wouldnt hurt on this one, this time you have caught my interest and I like what I have seen sofar. Well this was pretty nifty and something differant and thats always good to see

some added backround wouldnt hurt on this one


Robots very nice

A robot thats a trash can well you cant go wrong there lol, but anyways great design I think more shine or even trash elemns hanging off the can or something like that, you have presented some nice robotic stylish art here this was very "PLEASING-AND-DELIGHTFUL" design on some robot style and with robot creations you can go in all sorts of directions and you have "PRESENTED" some nice detail here very smooth lines and elements.

I think more shine or even trash elemns hanging off the can or something like that


a cute cowgirl

So here we are with a cute cow girl pose and a fun expression on her face too, I would go ahead and even ad a sparkle on her eye as she waves, effort in detail is always a plus. And here we have another decent art piece, sometimes entertaining but mostly pretty decent like your style of art

I would go ahead and even ad a sparkle on her eye as she waves


Cool Robot element

This was cool and a different take on a robit I like all the green tubes and such seems like you could ad some backround or backdrop with this piece, So this was cool and you can never go wrong with some robots, "ROBOTS-ARE-THE-FUTURE" lol, no but really nice robotic element here on this art piece and all of its surrondings "YOU-PRESENT-SOME-NICE-WORK" here and nice elements, I hope you make more robot stuff like this in the future.

seems like you could ad some backround or backdrop with this piece


An interesting birdt

So this was an interesting bird maybe some added shne and sparkle as the animation changes over, Its a decent piece, there was some nice elements that made this come together, and a good use of skills to make it all look pretty smooth, nothing more I can say then that but do keep up the good work

maybe some added shne and sparkle as the animation changes over


Cant go wrong with robots

I love the pose here and the snow falling really nice, some added shine and sparkle on him would be cool, Well as the title says of this review you cant go wrong with some robots and you have presented some nice robotic stylish art here "THIS-WAS-VERY-PLEASEING" and a delightful design on some robot style here and "I-PERSONALY-LOVE-THIS" design here its unique and different.

some added shine and sparkle on him would be cool


Nice action pose

Well this was nice and a cool action pose here with that kick and a great expression on her face too, love that kick though, maybe a big splash sparkle as she kicks out or something, keep up the skills on success to fantastic stuff. So all things come to an end and while that can be a sad point I will say this was a pleasure to review and glad I had the chance to review it

a big splash sparkle as she kicks out or something


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