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Amazing Black and white

The shading and shadows are very nice love the hat here, no changes are needed you have done an outstanding job, You have showcased that here today with all the detail and nice shades even but some really "NIFTY-DESIGN", Amazing Black and white here this is an example of why you "DONT-NEED-COLOR" because the black and white speaks volumes and you have a nice showcase of that here.

no changes are needed you have done an outstanding job



So this was a cute and adorble piece here seems like it is lacking some borders along the edges would really accent the whole piece better, but overall this was a cute and well done portrait piece here, love the shine on her hair maybe even adding a sparkle on the eyes, anyways nice work.

adding a sparkle on the eyes seems like it is lacking some borders along the edges would really accent the whole piece better


FindingBloom responds:

Thank you ! I'm glad you liked it and I appreciate the feedback ! (:

Some amazing detail here

Wow impressive the black and white theme is amazing your shading work is even better too so really nice work here, I would possbly suggest making the canvus size larger to show more details, There is some very nice fine detail here with some interesting "ADDED-TWISTS" and elements, Its stuff like this that I really enjoy, maybe the amazing detail, or the fine detail maybe even the "BLACK-AND-WHITE-SKETCH" or drawing regardless this was pretty good details.

I would possbly suggest making the canvus size larger to show more details



So this was pretty unique here, it almost looks 3-D well the head anyways its a unique design and the color tone is deep in detail very nice creation here some added depth to the backround would have been nice maybe even some added lighting effects, but regardless this was cool.

some added depth to the backround would have been nice maybe even some added lighting effects


A nice sketch and design

wow what a mixture here love it, and it being a drawing in black and white was intense, I would suggest as a small form of improvment adding a border along the edges would be a nice touch, This one here is awsome I love how raw the detail is with these black and white ones, I like the detail that just has a vibrant look and "THE-VIEW-POINTS-ARE-BEAUTIFULL" so nice design here, anyways nice work here and "I-LOOK-FORWARD-TO-MORE" of these designs and your future works.

I would suggest as a small form of improvment adding a border along the edges would be a nice touch


Great color

So once again you have created a beautiful piece of art here with some nice color use some great characters some nice design, love all the small details here you really make for some nice artwork here, I love the small details here, the borders are a nice touch.

no major changes needed on this one you have lots of talent and it shows.


Ruedefaux responds:

thanks a lot man~

Cant go wrong with B/W

A nice drawing here and a nice character here the backround could use for some extra design and pattern or something, So you cant go wrong with some Black and white, his is an example of why you dont need color because the black and white "SPEAKES-VOLUMES", From the small details to the "CREATIVE-LINE-WORK" that form this amazing design and thats what I really liked about this piece of nice art.

the backround could use for some extra design and pattern or something


Nice character

So this was some nice work a good looking character here and some nice animation within the character too, backround was nice, you have some nice talent and it shows off nice here on this piece, as for any suggestions or improvments I think this was fine as is so nice work here.

no changes as mentioned here


Amazing and fine detail

These black and whites are nice and you have done some really nice work here, This one has a deeper meaning and message too, but anyways I think some type of color to accent it all like a border or maybe just parts of color just a small idea, Its stuff like this that I really enjoy, maybe the amazing detail, or the fine detail, so thats why "I-ENJOY-THESE" kinds of black and white themed piece here, so anyways "KEEP-MAKING-SOME-NICE-DETAIL" here and keep making some black and white pieces of art.

some type of color to accent it all like a border or maybe just parts of color just a small idea


This was amazing

Woe I have to say this was an amazing piece of art here the cyclops eye the stars and glitter in the backround just everything comes alive in this piece I have made this one one of my faves so really nice work here, hope to see more of your work sometime soon.

make more beautiful art like this soon.


Shadowcat5150 responds:

Oh wow! Thank you so much! ^-^

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