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Beautiful color

So first off this was some nice color I love me some city view types and while this was more simple of a city view the color and vibrant lighting really takes a play in this piece so for me it was a beautiful piece I think adding some flying birds among the sun set would be a plus.


stevetherapper responds:

I agree with you on that last part especially, thanks for the review tho ig, this is another one of my old works.

an awsome spiderman design

Almost looks like its on some wood element A very nic drawing here some really good detail, an awsome spiderman design you have some nice talents and you seem to be showing all that nice talent in this awsome piece of spiderman one of my fave characters as a kid and I was pleased with the end results here.


Its the spiderman

Nice focus in on spidey and the backround focus-out Well Its the spiderman the great hero of our times and my hero of yesteryear so nice job here i ahve always been a big fan of spiderman as this was a great find and you have some nice talents as you show that in your art piece really fantastic work.



A great newgrounds character, I did think there could have been more blood splatter This was one heck of a unique art piece you have created here, This had the flair I was looking for the detail of these kinds are always great and amazing, I like the enthusiasm here and it has some rapid growth great visuals here keep it up.



Haha well these are two amazing characters there was no backround I think it could have showcased a backround just some trees or a moon setting of some sort, but honestly the character work is pretty amazing and just liked what you did here so keep it up.


Cool Advert

This was a nice advert even has the character work thats always a nice touch seems like you do, do a few of these and hope it helps and really do enjoy your artwork style, anyways keep up the fantastic art style as you have here andyways untill next time.


A starwars themed piece

This city view for sure has that starwars feel So here was a nice starwars themed piece here, Im a big fan of starwars myself and this was an amazing piece you captured the starwars element just right and even added your twist of artistic style here, so really nice art piece here, I hope to see more soon.


Starwars detail and element nice

A nice bb-8 very nice indeed you even gave him a grungy look like hes been through battle Some very nice element here of starars a great theme for some artwork here, Starwars detail and element nice work here you show some nice detail and the line work here on this art, you show off some nice talent here and once again some amazing detail.


A nice starwars element

Now this is a cool storm trooper A nice starwars element here with some very nice details on the visual as a whole and some nice art detail here, you have some good ideas and it seems like the inspiration was all there so nice creation here and hope you make more just like this one.



Well it is mystic for sure its a nice design of the skull and love the green elements floating around I think you could have had even more floating elements maybe even some streaks, but overall a very nice design here of a mystic cat head or skull.


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