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A cute character

So this was a cute character you have here, it just seemes so bland with no major backround So I would suggest as an idea to adding some type of backround or design but something that will accent the whole piece more, But regardless of that you have some real amazing work and great structure here.

I would suggest as an idea to adding some type of backround or design but something that will accent the whole piece more


B/W at its best

Well this was something simple its a single piece but the B/W is nice I feel that the backing of this needs much more though, Well here was black and white drawing sketch at its best and you cant go wrong with a drawing like this one, this has some nice detail about it there little visual points that really "POP-OUT-AT-YOU" with some "NIFTY-LITTLE-DESIGN" here and that what I like the most.

I feel that the backing of this needs much more


Some great characters

so this was really nice here I love how cute and adorble these characters are and some very vibrant frsh color, this could use some sort of backdrop and and or some scene in the backing here as the white backing was bland, anyways nice work here I look forward to much more.

this could use some sort of backdrop and and or some scene in the backing here as the white backing was bland


MeghanLuna responds:

Thank you for the feedback!! Aaah backgrounds. I do need to work on those more. These characters are actually Barbie and Madison from the MyScene doll collection! I always loved watching the webisodes as a kid. Still do, haha!

A unique B/W Drawing

Wow nice this may have been a doodle of some sort but the fine black and white detail is pretty nice I might ad some sort of border on this though, you have shown here in the "FINE-DETAIL" that black and white can stand on its own, This was "A-UNIQUE B/W" Drawing if I do say so myself, and you have presented a beautiful design here and thats why I have really come to enjoy this fine piece and artistic talent here.

I might ad some sort of border on this



so this was kind of cute a fun little character here the shadow underneith was a nice character effect, the onlything I might ad might be some backdrop in the backround or even some design of some types, but besides that you have some nice work here and a cute character

Some sort of backdrop scene


Wow nice

So this was pretty nice work here, the characters are nice and like how this is almost a comic form but you have some really nice ideas with the detail and structure of the characters aswell as some nice color depth, anyways great work here hope you make more like this.

make more of these


Artistic pixel

Nice pixel work here and this squid was pretty nice would love some glowing effects on the squid itself, Very nice aristic element of some nice pixel here you have some great pixel ideas and the view points of this particular piece was really shiny and nifty and very artistic pixel so really nice art piece you have created here, pixel is a rare art of the past and you bring it alive.

would love some glowing effects on the squid itself


This was cute

so this was a cute piece of art the color is fresh looking and some good looking characters here, even the backround was pretty nifty, The snake was cute I think you could have a comic here or some animated series with these nifty characters, anyways nice job.

maybe some effects like sparkles and shines like on the glasses and cuffs


Pixel the greatness

This was some pixel greatness its almost like a sprite too would have loved some backround on this, So pixel is like the extra desert of the four course meal and you made the pixel shine, Pixel is art at its best with all the "DIFFERENT-ELEMENTS" you could bring to the table and very creative as this piece here "SHOWS-HOW_CREATIVE-YOU-ARE" so nice work on this submission.

would have loved some backround on this


A unique B/W

Very nice work here I love the faint detail but then you can see all the detail as you look closer the b/w is so ice I would suggest adding a frame on this, there is some good energy surrounding it and your deep effort showcases there hard work so really nice job, you build an "ARTISTIC-PIECE" and drawing here the black and white stylish piece here is "RAW-TALENT" and in no need of color unless its just tidbits.

I would suggest adding a frame on this


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