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So this was pretty nice work here, it almost looks like soem pixel style but all the color is great and great expressions on the faces, this Savvy piece of work as it was really catching my eye and seem to come alive right infront of me so was a nice piece of art here. I have come to see that this was better then I thought

Its fine as it is well done work here


This was some amazing work

Wow I love all the different faces and the black and white theme was cool you could have made the canvus larger and showcase more faces, I really enjoy these "BLAVK-AND-WHITE" styles more then anything as they do bring on some of that raw detail, the detail jumps out here and you bring out that raw "DETAIL" and it really shows, so this was a nice drawing and or design with all of its detail that is presented.

you could have made the canvus larger and showcase more faces


A cute character

I like the structure of the character and you made her adorble and cute I love the pixelated character in the backround too I would suggest some added shine and glare on the hearts as some extra measure here, my ending thaughts you really did bring out the creative mind though otherwise feels it might have looked nicer with less, but you have a great piece of work here and love the creative flavor

I would suggest some added shine and glare on the hearts as some extra measure here


As best as Pixel is

Wow now this one is amazing I love this kind of world and even in pixel its amazing I think you could have made this larger to showw off more of the amazing world, Some really nice elements to the pixel you have shown off some really nice energy in this one, just as "THE-VISUAL-HERE" you have presented some nice work but with "PIXEL-TAKES-TIME" so the effort is really there with all that you do so nice work here indeed.

I think you could have made this larger to showw off more of the amazing world


Very nice indeed

So this was pretty nice work here, I love the color ofcourse you always make some nice color, the scene with the frog or wart is always a nifty one no changes here you did an awsome job, seems like you did put fourth some effort and bringing some good creativity to the boards, making for a decent and artistic piece. My thaughts on this are that its a slick and beautiful piece

a nifty one no changes here you did an awsome job


A great round of Pixel

Some more great pixel here and this set was pretty nice would be nice to see more shine and sparkle, Pixel is art at its best with all the different elements you could bring to the table and very creative, this certain piece has a "NICE-BLEND-OF-PIXEL" and an artistic element, you have some "NICE-CREATIVE-DESIGN" on this piece and I look forward to seeing more from you.

would be nice to see more shine and sparkle


Armaina responds:

Thank you for the complements but, why leave a critique on a 9 year old piece of work?

Creativity of Pixel

Wow nice group of pixel work here you should animate them and make them into sprites, I couldnt do pixel for the life of me but this was a nice piece of art with some "PIXEL-ELEMENT" and an artistic element at that, Creativity and imagination "PLAY-A-BIG-ROLE" in pixel and art itself, and you have shown that here so well done on this pixel style piece.

you should animate them and make them into sprites



Well first off congrats on the award here, and that expression on her face is just so classice, the color is not dominant but seems to work, I would even suggest as an idea only more shine on the hair, we dont need to fix anything but if I do find a thing or two ill let you know but you have a nice piece sofar. You have some nice Polished visuals here

I would even suggest as an idea only more shine on the hair


Some of the best pixel around

There is some nice progression here with this one pixel is always amazing there is for sure no need for changes here, Just as the visual here you have presented some nice work but with pixel takes more time so the effort is really there, You really know how to MAKE-PIXEK-SHINE at its best with some stylish points "THIS-PARTICULAR-PIECE" was pretty fantastic from a first glance even.

there is for sure no need for changes here


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