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A beautiful pixel design

Such a great view shot here, love all the fine detail in this piece really nice work, would love to see more effects little details and effects, I really like the element here on this one you have some great skills here and it shows off well, this was a really nifty pixel visual and something a little different and thats what made this unique here for me so really nice job on this one, anyways great stuff.

would love to see more effects little details and effects


Fantastic Pixel-Art

Well that little orange and red icon was pretty nice kind of small, but has some nice visual on it, Very interesting Pixel-Art here with the unique style you ad to it and must have taken you a good little while but however long it took this was some Fantastic Pixel-Art you have presented here even this particular piece was pretty good stuff I was very impressed here.

No changes on this fine piece


Very nice character

so this was really nice character here with this one love the color tones even the backround was pretty decent maybe have the eyes glow a bit or something, hope you make more stuff like this. So keep doing what you do you bring style to the art portal. you have put it all swell Appropriately and everything came together

maybe have the eyes glow a bit or something


Cant go wrong with some Pixel

This was cute well this was a little cute one the animation on the purple guy was pretty cute some backround detail would have been nice to ad to it all, This certain piece has a nice blend of the pixel and an artistic element, I love every bit of this particular piece as you showcase some "NICE-PIXEL-WORK" some really detailed elements and a good design here, I am pretty impressed with all this "PIXEL-CRAZY-NESS" so keep that up for a long time.

some backround detail would have been nice to ad to it all


Very nice

so this was very nice almost looks like some pixel would love to see some added backround or design back there, but overall this was pretty cool some very nice detail in this piece, Love the Flair about this piece. It was also Symbolic in its own way, This was one of my fave pieces by you and I was pretty proud of the work you have done here

would love to see some added backround or design



This was a beautiful art piece and some real nice artwork here you blend the colors so well with some great structure on the character themself, love the different variations on the different frames here, I hope you make more like this it is amazing stuff.

I hope you make more like this it is amazing stuff


Something unique and different

I love this perspective too this has an 80s theme with all the colors and whatnot, anyways great work here some beautiful pixel and once again no need for changes I have enjoyed this "FINE-PIECE-OF-ART" here I have come to really enjoy it so "VERY-WELLDONE", pixel to me is like a fine wine and you have presented some beautiful wine here anyways really nice work on this particular piece and I love the idea of this particular one aswell so nice work.

great work here some beautiful pixel and once again no need for changes



so this was amazing and I love the neon glow here I have been looking at your art for a good while and you have some nice talent ans you put lots of depth and detail within it all, so really nice artwork here and no major changes at all, so keep up the good work.

a fine piece that does not need any changes


World of Pixel

Wow love the perspective on this that lighting effect is just pure amazing, A world of pixel here, It has a dynamic style about it with some nice and "CRETIVE-DESIGN" aswell, so with this one it was artistic in its own stylish way, you really bring that "DYNAMIC-ELEMENT" to the table with this art piece here and I encourage you to bring much more to the table.

no changes needed its a beautiful piece


A nifty idea

So here was a nifty "IDEA" I gues when doing the "INKTOBER" stuff you can tend to run out of some ideas so random stuff can be the way to go, The bannanas seems like they could use more of a curve to them but still ok, I like the two different color themes you have chosen here it was kind of nice, maybe a bananan border would have been another nice idea to relate to the content here, but anyways great stuff.

The bannanas seems like they could use more of a curve to them but still ok, maybe a bananan border would have been another nice idea to relate to the content here.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah it's all pretty random, but some of them wittier than others. :) You're right about the curve, hadn't noticed that somehow. Thanks for the feedback; glad you liked it!

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