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Well you cant go wrong with pauline here and also love the Black and white with some nice shades, Its kind of like a portrait, could have thrown foamy in the mix lol, but anyways really nice sketch here nice details even love the border, cant wait to see what else you make.


A spider man

Deep and fantastic work I love the shadow behind him gives the artistic element Here we go spiderman the whole theme spiderman is already a fan fave of mine you really showcase your talents very well here you have showcased all the little fine details and I really like what you did here the end results are impressive to say the least.


a very cool spiderman design

This was nice especially with the red over the blue web backround you have some nice talents and you seem to be showing all that nice talent in this awsome piece of spiderman one of my fave characters as a kid, I have to say a very cool spiderman design here some nice structure of the design of it all you have some really nice work here.



Well this is a beautiful one I love the tied up element here and the laying down pose really came alive here, you made some nice details too you could reall advance on a story type here maybe even a comic of sorts, but honestly this was some amazing work beautiful character art here.


Gotta love some starwars detail

The light sabre is nice, I did think it could have more of a glow Starwars detail and element nice work here you show some nice detail and the line work here on this art, Gotta love some starwars detail and you have for sure added some nice detail and smooth lines ofcourse so really great vibe and energy on this piece


CenkuProductions responds:

For more future content visit: newheredigitaltoys (dot) xyz

An element of starwars

I like the stormtroopers in this one nice creation here and hope you make more just like this one An element of starwars with all the shiny details and you really bring out the whole starwars element and make it come alive and for that alone I have enjoyed this piece of fine art.



Now this was pretty good i like the idea here of the fusion here. You have some nice character design fresh looking a sleek design nice color too. Overall a good entry here and i really like this one.



Well you cant go wrong with some pico and you really have some nice colors here i love the vibe of this with the lumminating color really came off well. Anyways great work in this one i really enjoyed it.


Awsome visuals

This was very epic and pure awsome the rain itself showcased some very nice realistic elements, the lighting was really nice, the big guy also awsome I feel like his eyes could have more glow or sparkle to them, Its art pieces like this that always make me enjoy reviewing them even more, I really like the polished ideas here you bring a nice blend of them forward.

so you have shown me what you can realy do with this piece here, you have showcased some awsome stuff with great detail, I will say this was some nice polished blend of effort and energy done here So something that caught my attention about this one was the unique style emitting from it, even a mysterious touch in there aswell. would love for you to make more of these characters maybe even some sort of comic your talents are amazing.


Beautiful character

I love the glowing and lighting effects, she has such a soft beauty and you showcased that well, great colors too, Always some great finds in the art portal such as your submission, I like polish and you seem to be accustomed to ad it aswell so nice details in this one, my extended review of this review is This was some good progress and I applaud you on some nice visuals here.


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