
17,993 Art Reviews

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Awsome group

There was some nice details in this and really just takes time to enjoy it all you pushed the envelope here love all the gold elements on this on, I cant say no to this great art piece here, fine idea of artwork and you really pushed the envelope here and made something worth the search, classy and freshness And I am supportive of this very majestic and diverse piece, but besides that you have done great here.

Cant go wrong with some tankmen and friends in this piece, So my ending overview here is that this was pretty impressive, You have the desire to have a grand polish on this one and that alone gives off a great feeling of exhilaration So hope you enjoy this little critique and this extended portion of the review helps in awayway possble but it will appropriately conclude here, always nice to see newground related artwork.



I found this one to be majestic with all the characters but such an amazing job on the characters and backround, Eye popping artwork you have made here for us with some enticing detail and structure, But all in all it's a nice entry into the portal and Im glad I found it its pieces like this that I really enjoy, And here we have another fine art piece of creativity and design.


Awsome work

Wow this was pretty intense and creates a nice scene too I do think some flying gold would be a nice touch on this one, I love these kinds of creations of art and you pushed it over the top, I will for sure look for more stuff from you especially if its like this because its unique things like this that I really enjoy, Finally we come to the end you have something differant and neat here.


The character / pirate was nice and well detailed, the swords was pretty awsome I do think some added shine would be a plus, Its artwork like the one you are showcasing here that I have truly come to enjoy for its unique design, Its intriguing design and style It almost has a seducing look about it all, so keep up the good and unique styles of artwork it was a pleasure to check this one out.



Well you cant go wrong with a nice battle here, I like all the characters here a good combo scene, kind of feels like its missing some added backround to showcase there battle and such, but honestly this was some nice work here really good character details.


Nice work

This is a funny character you have here I like the small details but looks very fun he could be an animated character all on his own right but you made it look good I like the style of art here too so nice job on that, simple and fun, Its designs like this that really make me enjoy these art pieces, but regardless keep making fun art like this one here.


Boss responds:

Omg the legendary waynecolt reviewed one of my artworks thank you so much you are awesome!!!!!


So this was notbad I like the simple drawings here and seems like you have some nice skills, wouldnt mind seeing this more in color or parts in color, but overall this was a nice sketch and or drawing but do hope to see even more from you down the road its nice work.



Another beautiful piece with amazing use of color you really have some nice talents especially with use of color and small details great character design here, Just the perfect dose of art of the day, as I dont come across many perfect art pieces but this was pretty close so great job on this one, your style has energy and it gives off a nice groove about it,

So nice effort on this fine piece of work here, Now here was a great find you really dont see many people making stuff like this anymore but I am glad I can find stuff like this. Alright so before I go keep up the good efforts and unique ideas, and I am glad I had the chance to review this piece.



For starters I have added this one to my faves and have to say you touched my sould with this one because of the color for one and two the fine details within the color what a way with color and to go on even more love that it has a random feel too, You bring alot to the table with a twist of energy, A polished blend of style and your own vibe on this thats what I really saw here today.

On my ending notes here I do have to say and comment that this was a decent piece here interesting and even entriging, This was something to admire and the imagination was pretty good on this one, So untill next time I hope you can keep making entries such as this one and with the creative energy as this one too and hope to review more in the comming future.


Really nice

So this was a really nice character the pose with his hands up is nice, another nice pose too, Also love that you add on the before and after so you can showcase the line work and that really comes off very nice, but ofcourse you are very talented overall I found this to be very good work indeed, you should think about making more of these types.


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